March Landscape & Garden Tips 2024 - Tennessee

By Moon Valley Nurseries on March, 1 2024
Landscape Tips Fertilizers Spring Tips
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Moon Valley Nurseries

With March upon us and warmer days ahead, now is the prime time of year to ensure your trees and plants are set up to thrive, as everything in your landscape wants to  burst into growth and blooms! It's the perfect time of year to roll up your sleeves and invest some extra effort in your outdoor space. Rest assured, the rewards will be well worth it, with the promise of vibrant new plant life unfolding before your eyes!

Keep reading to learn a few tips and tricks your yard can benefit from these next few weeks. Between the rain we have had in the last couple of months and these landscape tips from our nursery pros, your yard will explode in new growth come this Spring!


In Blog creative 3x2 (6)Inspect your plants for Damage
The harsh winter weather in Texas can damage many plants and trees. Therefore, you need to inspect them carefully for any signs of damage. Look for broken branches, wilted leaves, or signs of disease. If you notice any damage, prune the affected area and remove any dead plant matter. 



In Blog creative 3x2 (5)Mulch your Trees & Plants
Mulching your landscape helps to retain moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Add a 2–3-inch layer of mulch around your plants, making sure to keep it away from the plant's base to prevent rot.



In Blog creative 3x2 (3)Adjust your Watering Schedule
In the winter months, we do not need to water as much, especially with wetter than normal winters. As the temperatures begin to rise, it is important to make sure your landscape is getting the proper amount of water to keep it healthy and growing.  For more information on watering, visit Watering Basics.  


9-Feb-20-2024-02-49-08-9052-PMPest & Weed Control
Spring brings on not only warmer temperatures but also pest and weeds. The warm weather is perfect for weeds to grow and spread, staying on top of them early will help you spend less time in your landscape working and more time enjoying it. Pre-emergent herbicides are ideal, as these are sprayed down after any weeds are removed and create a barrier underground that reduces weeds from propagating. Check your landscape for pest during this time as well, if you find anything that may need treating, bring in a sample in a sealed bag and our nursery pros will be happy to help you identify the issue as well as help you find a solution. 

In Blog creative 3x2 (4)Time to Plant!
Spring is a perfect time to plant new trees, palms, shrubs, and flowers. Spring is a time of new growth and renewal, so why not add some color to your landscape? Planting fruit trees right now is perfect and depending on what you plant can even provide fruit for you this season. Flowering trees are all getting ready to bloom and planting these now assures you the best chance at enjoying their beauty all spring long. But let us not forget that summer is just around the corner and there is no perfect time than now to get your shade trees planted. Not only will this shade, and cool your landscape but will also help in reducing your utility bills in the future. 


Preparing your landscape for spring in Texas after the winter months is essential for creating a full, lush yard. By following our tips, you can bring your landscape back to life and have it thriving in time for spring, summer, and fall. If you would like help from the experts, we're always here to help, contact us today! 

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