Moon Valley Tennessee Blog | Tree Maintenance

Landscape Tips Citrus and Fruit Tree Maintenance Spring Tips

Pruning Fruit Trees Like a Pro: Essential Tips for Homeowners
By Moon Valley Nurseries on March 8, 2024

Pruning fruit trees is a vital task that every homeowner with a fruit tree should fully understand before trimming or shaping. We understand the importance of proper pruning techniques and...

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Landscape Tips Fertilizers Tree Maintenance

The Green Thumb Guide: Moon Valley Nurseries’ Super Charged Moon Juice™
By Moon Valley Nurseries on February 16, 2024

Trees and plants, as living entities, need proper nourishment and attention to thrive and maintain their health. However, certain situations may lead to stress or shock in your plant...

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Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance Gardening

The Balance Between Beauty and Safety: Dealing with Exposed Tree Roots
By Moon Valley Nurseries on February 9, 2024

Tree roots are a common concern for homeowners, especially when they start creeping up above the ground and become visible. This can lead to unsightly bumps in the yard and even damage to...

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Landscape Tips Fertilizers Tree Maintenance

Soil Savvy: Tailoring Fertilization for Optimal Growth
By Moon Valley Nurseries on January 25, 2024

Soil plays a vital role in the growth and health of plants. It is the foundation upon which all plants rely to obtain nutrients, water, and oxygen. However, not all soil is created equal,...

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Winter Tips Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance

Your Guide to Total Frost Care in Tennessee
By Moon Valley Nurseries on January 9, 2024

Frost can be a silent adversary in the landscape, posing a significant threat to the health and beauty of your yard. Understanding and implementing effective frost protection strategies is...

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Winter Tips Fertilizers Tree Maintenance

Protecting Your Landscape from Frost Damage
By Moon Valley Nurseries on January 9, 2024

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Winter Tips Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance

Winter Landscape Tips: 3 Steps to Protect Your Trees from Frost Damage
By Moon Valley Nurseries on January 9, 2024

Winter Landscape Tips: 3 Steps to Protect Your Trees from Frost Damage Winter is a season of celebration and joy. From the memories made during the holidays to the cooler weather, there are...

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Winter Tips Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance

Frost Proofing Tips From The Professionals
By Moon Valley Nurseries on December 15, 2023

Frost cloths have long been used in the agriculture and gardening industry to protect plants from the chilling effects of the winter cold. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we understand the...

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Winter Tips Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance

The Art of Winter Watering: Essential Tips for Plant Care
By Moon Valley Nurseries on December 8, 2023

As the winter season arrives, the importance of correctly watering trees and plants cannot be stressed enough. One respected name in the nursery & landscape industry that understands the...

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Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance

The Hidden World of Tree Lichens
By Moon Valley Nurseries on November 14, 2023

Lichens are unique and fascinating organisms that can be observed growing on the bark of trees, adding a touch of magic to the natural landscape. These symbiotic beings are often mistaken...

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