Moon Valley Nurseries

As Spring begins to transition to summer, your trees and plants shift from one growing season to the next. Summer is an opportunity to allow your landscape to form hearty new foliage, stronger roots, and even a coat of wonderful blooms on some varieties.
Our Nursery Pros have compiled a list of the best yard care advice to prepare your landscape for the summer growing season. Take a read through this month’s landscape and garden tips to set your yard up to not just survive, but to thrive this summer! Don't forget to reach out to our Nursery Pros at our Franklin, TN Nursery if you have any other questions about caring for yard or what to plant this season!
Proper watering is the key to keeping the material in your landscape thriving all summer long. For starters, you will want to water early in the morning between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. as this reduces the evaporation loss.
Make sure you always use a deep watering technique, which is a slow application of water over a longer period of time, this allows the entire root zone to become saturated.
The amount of water you need to apply depends on the variety of trees or shrubs you are watering. With trees, you will want to wet the soil at least 3 feet deep and at least 1 foot deep for shrubs. You can also use a soil probe to determine the depth of watering more accurately. For a more in-depth overview of summer watering for your specific tree and plant species, take a look at our care guides here!
Fertilization is paramount in order to take advantage of the warmer growing season. A strong, well-nourished tree or plant will be able to utilize the longer days and warmer temperatures, as well as have an easier time fighting off any weather-induced stress.
Our experts developed highly specialized blends of fertilizer designed to trigger growth responses and supplement the essential micro and macronutrients that trees and plants need to thrive in our region. You can learn more about our specially tailored fertilizers and supplements here!
Certain species of trees, such as citrus or stone fruits, can be susceptible to sunburn. This is typically only an issue on younger trees when their canopy is not wide enough to shade the trunk, or on trees that have less-dense foliage allowing plenty of sunlight to meet the trunk.
Luckily, there is a very easy solution to prevent sunburn on trees. A breathable tree wrap or tree paint can help to protect the trunks of your trees and can be found at your local Moon Valley Nurseries location. For more information on which varieties of trees are susceptible to sunburn, feel free to stop by or call one of our nurseries and our nursery pros will help you out!
Applying mulch is an easy and effective way of keeping the soil moist all summer long, as well as regulating the soil temperature around your trees.
For best results, apply a 3 to 4-inch layer of mulch around the base of your trees. Doing this can help keep the soil cool during the hot summer months and keep the soil warm during cooler days. Mulch has the additional benefit of slowing the application of water to the trees’ root system, aiding in proper deep watering practices.
To learn more incredible yard care advice, design tips, and tree knowledge, check out our library of articles! We have a massive catalog of entertaining and informative articles written by our experienced nursery professionals to help you succeed with all of your landscaping goals.
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