Moon Valley Tennessee Blog | Landscape Tips (4)

Landscape Tips

The Power of Shade Trees: A Guide to Environmental & Economic Benefits
By Alyssa Schafer on September 22, 2023

Trees provide a multitude of benefits to our environment and our homes. One such benefit is the shade they provide. The shade from trees near your home can have numerous advantages, both in...

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Landscape Tips

The Power of Shade Trees: A Guide to Environmental & Economic Benefits
By Moon Valley Nurseries on September 22, 2023

Trees provide a multitude of benefits to our environment and our homes. One such benefit is the shade they provide. The shade from trees near your home can have numerous advantages, both in...

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Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance Tree Highlights

August Landscape & Garden Tips for Tennessee in 2023
By Moon Valley Nurseries on July 31, 2023

Time is flying by this year and the summer season is already coming to an end. Now that people are coming home from vacation, kids are going back to school, and everybody is falling back...

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Landscape Tips Mosquitos Pest Control

Mosquito Control for Your Tennessee Yard
By Sal Bracale on June 30, 2023

Mosquito Control in Tennessee

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Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance Summer Tips

July Landscape & Garden Tips
By Moon Valley Nurseries on June 27, 2023

Welcome to July! A month of pool parties, sunbathing, and barbeques! When the days are longer and the temperatures start to rise, it is important to be keen on the necessary care needed...

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Landscape Tips Citrus and Fruit Tree Highlights

5 Tasty Cocktail Drink Recipes Using Fresh Fruit & Citrus
By Moon Valley Nurseries on June 27, 2023

In this article, we will explore the most popular Moon Valley Nurseries fresh fruit cocktail recipes. Get ready for an explosion of flavor with the sweet and refreshing tang of fresh fruit...

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Landscape Tips Summer Tips Tree Highlights

June Landscape & Garden Tips
By Moon Valley Nurseries on June 1, 2023

As Spring begins to transition to summer, your trees and plants shift from one growing season to the next. Summer is an opportunity to allow your landscape to form hearty new foliage,...

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Landscape Tips Tree Highlights

The Moon Valley Difference: Locally-Owned, Locally-Grown in Tennessee
By Moon Valley Nurseries on April 12, 2023

There are many values that set Moon Valley Nurseries apart as the premier provider of the highest quality trees and plants. Values that we put in place when we started as a little nursery...

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