April Landscape and Gardening Tips

By Kyle Shipp on March, 29 2019
Landscape Tips Spring Tips

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Not sure what to do for your landscape in April or where to get started?

The April landscaping chores are a lot like what you were (hopefully) doing last month, except you may have noticed more growth in your yard, good (flowers) and bad (weeds)!

If you have been keeping up with your yard as we went into spring than you are doing great! If you have not, you should definitely jump on it now and get control of your landscape.

Not only will your yard look better, it will be healthier. Spring is the time for all your trees and shrubs to be at optimal health to have a great summer growing season.

Pull Those Weeds

Unfortunately, most of us don’t have time to pull every weed that emerges from the ground, so our yards have been taken over by all different types of weeds. Some might even be getting so mature they are blooming into tiny flowers and giving you mixed feelings about ripping them out of the ground. Don’t be fooled, they are the worst!

Nobody wants to be pulling weeds in the summer with the sun beating down on them or in the dark, trying to avoid the sun. Using pre-emergent products that we carry at all nurseries will keep your yard weed-free. Be sure to ask our experts about how to use them and which product is best for your landscape.

We know it’s not fun, but it only gets worse from here!

Fun suggestion: If you have kids (or can borrow some kids), pay them a quarter for each weed they pull out (root and all).

Problem solved! 

Once you get the weeds pulled, be sure to add some pre-emergent down to prevent them from coming back. Pre-emergent is a herbicide that prevents seeds from sprouting up. It won't kill any weeds that you can see but it can fight the ones you can't see! 

Plant! Plant! Plant!

With new seasons coming in and more focus on your landscape in the last few months, now is a great time to take a look around and see what might be missing in your yard. Look for areas that might need more shade during the day. This could be a great place to plant a tree with a large canopy. Pay attention to rooms in your home that might be hotter than other rooms. The sun is probably shining on those walls longer throughout the day. Some extra cover from trees and plants just outside the wall will make a noticeable difference!

This time of the year creates perfect conditions for planting from healthy soil that is just the right temperature to healthy trees that can handle being transplanted and adapt to their new environment at a much quicker pace.

Check Your Watering

You will need to keep watching your plants and trees to know if you should adjust your watering schedules this season. The weather is constantly changing in the springtime and the temperatures can rise quickly here so you should also be checking and changing your watering schedule every few weeks.

We cannot stress how important it is to look at the temperatures. You might need to water for longer intervals soon but in just a few weeks you might also need to start watering an extra day out of the week.

When watering, allow the hose or drip system to apply the water slowly over a longer period of time. This allows the water to penetrate beneath and reach all areas of the roots. For more information, check out our watering guide.

Moon Valley Watering Guide

Always Fertilizer Your Plants

We know we say this a lot but that should show just how important it is to fertilize and stay on top of a fertilizing schedule for all your landscape materials. Fertilizer is food for your plants. It is the difference of surviving another season malnourished or thriving in it like a champ!

Fertilize the material in your landscape to give your trees and shrubs a boost and capitalize on the prime growing season.

Moon Valley Nurseries has developed highly specialized blends of fertilizer like Super Charged Moon Juice and Super Palm Juice, which are designed to trigger and stimulate growth responses. These fertilizers also supplement the essential micro and macro nutrients that plants need to thrive in our climate.moon juice shrubs

Trim and Prune

You will want to give your trees and plants a nice trim before it gets too hot outside. Pruning not only helps develop strong crowns and branches but also promotes strong root growth.

After pruning, be sure to fertilize with Moon Juice to get much-needed nutrients into the tree. Because when you prune, you're essentially wounding the tree, so feeding it with fertilizer is a great way to make sure the tree will bounce back sooner and stronger.




Featured Tree - All Citrus and Fruit!

citrus header


Is there anything more rewarding than being able to go out into your backyard and hand select the freshest fruit from your very own citrus trees, fruit trees or nut trees? At Moon Valley Nurseries we do not think so! Growing your own citrus and fruit is easier than you might expect, and we make it even easier to get the right tree for your yard. Whether you want a sweet orange, a lemon for cooking, red grapefruit for juicing, limes for cocktails, or just some fresh fruit for your family, we have it all and it is all guaranteed to produce excellent tasting fruit! Also, fresh fruit and citrus is a great source of vitamins, minerals and an excellent source of fiber. Right now is the best time to plant all citrus and fruit. Come into Moon Valley Nurseries to try before you buy all of the citrus and fruits! 

Let Moon Valley Nurseries help you with your Yard!

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