Celebrating Arbor Day 2019

By Jessica Downs on April, 26 2019
Tree Maintenance

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Arbor Day is not just a day to think about trees and how amazing and important they are; it is about actually planting trees so that we can experience how amazing they are. And planting trees is something Moon Valley Nurseries knows all about!

Arbor Day is like a birthday for us. It is a day that celebrates something we love doing every day. We plant hundreds of trees all day every day across the Southwest.

Since 2010, we have planted almost 2 million trees!

About Arbor Day

Arbor Day is a holiday where people are encouraged to plant trees. J Sterling Morton first founded this holiday in Nebraska, 1872. By the early 1900’s, every state declared Arbor Day a holiday by law. It is believed that one million trees were planted on the very first Arbor Day in 1872.

Fun Arbor Day Facts of California

Our State Tree is: The California Redwood

Arizona Grow Zones are: Zones 4 – 12

Learn more here.

Learn About Moon Valley Nurseries and our Tree Farms

We have multiple farms in California, Arizona, and Texas growing almost every variety of tree that you find in our nurseries. Click here to learn more about our farms.

Visit Your Nearest Moon Valley Nurseries and ask our experts about Free Planting.

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