The Best White Flowering Trees

By Garrett Cleverly on June, 11 2021
Landscape Tips Design Tips Spring Tips Summer Tips Flowering Trees

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Garrett Cleverly

Garrett Cleverly is versed in all native and non native species of plants, trees, succulents, and cacti that grow throughout the southern region. Garrett has a love for gardening and all things outdoors.

The Best White Flowering Trees

Plant Now For Beautiful White Flowers This Spring

Flowering trees are one of the best signs that the spring season is here. Fortunately for us, our climate allows us to plant a wide range of flowering trees from all over the United States and the world that produce purple, white, yellow, red, and pink flowers all spring long!


White Flowering Pear Flowering Pear

The Flowering Pear (Purus calleryana) is a wonderful tree that does a great job showcasing each season. At the beginning of the year, the flowering pear produces a massive display of snow-white flowers that cover the entire tree. After it blooms out, it produces oval-shaped leaves that go from a glossy dark green in the summer to a rich, purple-red color in the fall. The flowering pear is a moderate to fast grower that can tolerate full sun. An ornamental tree, Flowering Pears produces a thick, umbrella-shaped canopy that not only has a fantastic color but also provides an abundance of shade.




Magnolia Tree with Large White FlowersMagnolias (Magnolia Little Gem | Magnolia 'D.D. Blanchard' | Southern Magnolia | Teddy Bear Magnolia | Greenback Southern Magnolia | Samuel Sommer Magnolia) are a popular choice our customers at Moon Valley Nurseries. Many are drawn to the Magnolia's softball-sized and fragrant white flowers, which are truly breathtaking. The flowers bloom throughout the summer and fall and they attract many of our pollinating friends. Now, the flowers aren't the only thing that makes the Magnolia a popular tree for our region. Many of our customers love the attractive glossy leaves and the Magnolia's ability to produce a thick canopy for summer shade relief. Magnolia are are super easy to grow and they can handle even the hottest of summer days.


Crape Myrtle Natchez with White FlowersCrape Myrtle

The Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) is our favorite and it is the #1 selling flowering tree at Moon Valley Nurseries due to its ability to offer something for every season. The spring season is when this tree really shines with its large clusters of flowers (think football size) that cover this entire tree. The blooms are long and can last until late summer. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we offer this tree as a single-trunk or multi-trunk. In addition, the Crape Myrtle trees grown at Moon Valley Nurseries are superior thanks to mildew resistance, which you will not find anywhere else. Back to the "something for every season", the Crape Myrtle can also be used as a shade tree in the summer and in the fall the foliage turns a showy bright orange.


Japanese Privet Tree with White FlowersJapanese Privet

Many of our customers look for trees that require minimal maintenance and our nursery pros always show every customer the beautiful Japanese Privet (Ligustrum japonicum). This fast growing evergreen provides both year-round shade and big seasonal color. In the late spring, fragrant white flowers bloom in large clusters, creating an attractive scene. If you love hummingbirds, you will love this tree. You will see hummingbirds and other pollinators attracted to the beautiful flowers of the Japanese Privet. The Japanese Privet is a great choice for those looking for year-round shade as well.




Large Oleander Tree with White FlowersOleander

These trees just love the hot summer months, which makes them an ideal flowering tree for your landscape. The Oleander tree displays a long lasting bloom that may extend into the wilder winter months. Ideally planted in groups or rows, the Oleander is a great tree for our customers who are seeking privacy hedges, area screens, and property border because of the Oleander's ability to keep a thick coat of dark green leaves throughout the year.



Check out our posts on the other top flowering trees!


Top Purple Flowering TreesTop Red Flowering TreesTop Pink Flowering TreesTop Yellow Flowering Trees



Check out the White Flowering Trees Today at the Moon

Now that you know the best white flowering trees for our region. If you have any questions on any of the trees, submit a comment below or be sure to speak to any of our nursery pros at any of our locations, which you can map right here! Hope to see you soon.


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