4 Water-Conscious Trees for your Landscape

By Garrett Cleverly on July, 16 2015

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Garrett Cleverly

Garrett Cleverly is versed in all native and non native species of plants, trees, succulents, and cacti that grow throughout the southern region. Garrett has a love for gardening and all things outdoors.

If you live or have lived in the desert you know how precious water is. A lof of our customers ask us about water-conscious trees and below are four trees that are native to the Southwest and look great in any yard. 

PictureCalifornia Sycamore

These fast-growing trees stand out in any yard with its bright green leaves that are complimented by its white bark. These trees provide great shade in the spring and summer months, which helps cut down on utility costs and are absolutely beautiful in the fall and winter months with golden brown leaves. This water-wise choice is an excellent privacy and noise barrier for any yard. 

PictureDesert Willow

Named for its resemblance to Willows, this drought tolerant water-wise tree performs well in any landscape in California. This hardy tree handles extreme temperature ranges and produces exotic-looking blooms from May to September. This fast grower requires little maintenance and does best with just enough water to keep it green and blooming throughout the warm summer months. Also of note, the Desert Willow comes in a variety of cultivars with remarkable differences in flower color, leaf form, and branching characteristics.

Read more about the Desert Willow here

PictureSweet Acacia

Providing great shade, the Sweet Acacia is easily recognizable by its golden colored blooms, which appear in the spring and stay with the tree much longer than most other blooms. It’s dark green foliage, dark colored trunks, and minimal space requirements make this tree stand out in any landscape. This fast-growing tree performs well in full sunlight.

Read more about the Sweet Acacia here


This tree, often referred to as the Arizona or Mexican Sycamore, provides a massive canopy of shade and can grow up to 50 feet tall. This tree is easily identified by its large leaves and striking white bark that peels back to reveal darker patches. Requiring little maintenance, this water-wise choice is the perfect addition to any landscape where shade is needed

Read more about the Sycamore here

When you visit one of your Moon Valley Nursery locations, be sure to speak with a nursery professional about your specific landscape needs and goals. 

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