Design Tips Inspiration Houseplants
If you want lively indoor décor, then houseplants are for you! Even if you don’t think of yourself as a green-thumb, Moon Valley Nurseries is here to help you become the plant parent you’ve...
Continue ReadingDesign Tips Inspiration Houseplants
If you want lively indoor décor, then houseplants are for you! Even if you don’t think of yourself as a green-thumb, Moon Valley Nurseries is here to help you become the plant parent you’ve...
Continue ReadingEverybody wants a green thumb, but plenty of people can’t even keep their houseplants alive. Moon Valley Nurseries is here to give you hope! Indoor gardening is easier than you might think,...
Continue ReadingDesign Tips Inspiration Gardening Houseplants
Indoor plants are more popular now than ever, and a large part of that popularity growth is due to the health benefits associated with them. Houseplants do a lot more then just adding...
Continue ReadingDesign Tips Spring Tips Flowering Trees Inspiration Planting Tips
Enhancing the desert's allure is simpler than you think. We're ready to help you elevate your landscape with an array of flowering trees tailored to thrive in Arizona's unique...
Continue ReadingLandscape Tips Fertilizers Tree Highlights Inspiration Planting Tips
As winter fades away and spring emerges, it's essential to turn our attention to landscape and garden upkeep in Arizona. The Sonoran Desert's unique climate poses challenges for landscaping...
Continue ReadingLandscape Tips Inspiration Planting Tips Hollywood Hedges Japanese Blueberry Tree Evergreen Trees
Selecting the perfect privacy hedge for your home can often feel overwhelming, given the array of tree and shrub varieties available. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we've streamlined this...
Continue ReadingInspiration Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
In an era marked by growing environmental consciousness, the concept of recycling has touched almost every facet of our lives. From plastic bottles to electronic waste, recycling plays a...
Continue ReadingWinter Tips Landscape Tips Fertilizers Inspiration Planting Tips
December Tips From The ExpertsThe winter season has arrived, and that means it’s time to change up how we care for the trees and shrubs in our landscapes. We always say how lucky we are to...
Continue ReadingAre you thinking of how to add a little life to your home décor? Bring the outdoors in with a houseplant. Not only do plants add beauty to your space, but they purify the air. They come in...
Continue ReadingLandscape Tips Design Tips Inspiration
Due to recent heatwaves and wide-spread drought conditions across the U.S., many states are implementing water restrictions across their communities. This is causing many homeowners to...
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