Oranges, we love them. These juicy, nutritious fruits can strengthen our emotional body and encourage a general feeling of joy, well-being, and happiness. We can have these benefits all year long by growing an orange tree in the comfort of our yard. Growing our own orange fruit enables us to wake up, smell the sweet blossoms in the air, and handpick, peel, and eat a healthy, sweet orange. Yep, life is good with all types of orange trees in the yard!
Types of Oranges Ideal for our Climate
We are lucky to live where we live. We can grow all types of orange trees that are perfect for adding value to our landscape, as well as our life. In the Southwest, we can grow the juiciest, best-tasting, and easiest to grow orange trees. The types of orange trees we can grow in our area include Navel, Valencia, Trovita, and the Arizona Sweet Orange. These are all names of oranges that are familiar to us. After all, these are types of orange fruit commonly found in many grocery stores. Of course, growing our own fruit means that we can skip the produce aisle!
In addition to delighting our senses, orange trees can provide shade, block unwanted views, and add color to our yards. Yes, an orange tree is a valuable addition to any size landscape. Plus, they do not get too big, so they are the perfect fit for smaller spaces, as well as larger estates.
Orange Nutrition Facts
We have been hearing about the health benefits of the orange probably since the day we were able to understand words. Below are the nutrition facts on oranges from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These facts are based on one serving size (one medium-size orange.) Percent DV (daily values) are based on a 2,000-calorie diet.
- Vitamin C 130% DV
- Vitamin A 2%
- Potassium 7%
- Calcium 6%
- Dietary Fiber 12%
In addition to the nutritional value, orange fruit is packed full of health benefits. These benefits to our health include containing a great deal of vitamin C which can provide a boost to our immune system and keep our skin beautiful looking - vitamin C also happens to be vital to collagen production, which may help reduce wrinkles and improve our skin’s overall texture. Oranges are also good for the heart thanks to the vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and choline they contain.
Grow these Types of Orange Trees in Your Yard
Navel: The Navel orange is the hardiest of all oranges and hardy for growing in our local USDA zones. These are sweet and called the “winter” orange. Spring is the ideal time for planting this tree, so plant a few and enjoy the fragrant flowers in spring and attractive foliage all year long, with the bonus of a seedless, easy to peel, sweet, and juicy orange. These small trees are the perfect size for any landscape, from small yards to sprawling estates.
Valencia: Valencia orange season typically starts in March and runs through September, and their orange peel is thin, so they are easy to squeeze and eat! They are regarded by many to be the best orange for juicing. We like to plant these small to medium-sized evergreens in rows, where they can create a privacy screen to block unwanted views.
Trovita: Trovita is a favorite throughout the Southwest because they can produce an abundance of sweet citrus fruit, require very little maintenance, and thrive in the desert heat! These sweet citrus are full of rich juice, and we also love them because we can store them for months without them becoming sour. Plant these easy to grow trees and delight the senses with an orange tree with lots of fragrance and beautiful fruit color!
Arizona Sweet Orange: These are the delicious multi-purpose Arizona orange with a very low seed count. These orange trees can brighten up any size yard! They can produce medium-sized citrus with bright orange flesh that contrasts beautifully with their green foliage. Grow a sweet orange tree and enjoy each juicy bite!
Buy All Types of Orange Trees Right Now and Reap the Rewards!
Moon Valley Nurseries has the best tasting, highest quality citrus trees for sale at fruit producing age. We have been growing all our citrus for decades, and we developed a custom rootstock that is guaranteed to produce excellent tasting fruit as well as a plentiful harvest so that you can share the wealth with friends, family, and neighbors!
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