Why Hedges are Perfect for Any Landscape in Southern California

By Felipe Benavides on June, 29 2018

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.

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When one imagines the perfect yard, privacy always comes to mind. It’s summertime, and in Southern California, it means spending lots of quality time outdoors with your friends and family. When we are with our loved ones, the last thing we want to worry about are nosy neighbors getting into our business. Providing our children with a safe and private place to play is high on any family home to-do list.

Also, if you have children, private yards can provide some peace of mind when our kids are playing outside. We want to be able to let our kids play in a safe place, away from the eyes of strangers. Hedges are the perfect solution because they can create a secure and private play area for everyone in your family – and do it fast!


Some Great Reasons Why Hedges are Perfect

  • Can block unwanted views
  • Can help reduce road noise
  • Can help create a private landscape
  • Can create shade
  • Can be used as a windbreak
  • Add value and beauty to yards



The Perfect Yard Always Starts Out with Privacy

Every landscape is different, from huge backyards to smaller yards with fence lines close to your neighbor’s home. Privacy is always high on everyone’s list, no matter what size the yard may be. We like to use hedges such as Indian Laurel Columns and Italian Cypress. Both are ideal for planting in tighter spaces and creating a private yard. If you want to block an unsightly view or a nosy neighbor – plant hedges!


Hedges Can Create Shade

Hedges can do more than create a private area. Most hedges can also create wonderful shade! You know what else is great? When hedges are installed properly around your home, they can help lower the temperatures inside your home. Lower the heat in your house, reduce energy use, and save money! A win-win!

Hedges are ideal for privacy and to create shade. They are also highly effective windbreaks. Is your fence line next to a busy road? If so, our fully-grown hedge specimens can help reduce noise from the street. Streetlight keeping you up at night? Some hedges can even block that bright street light!


Our Top Hedges for California Yards!

Buy hedges as big as you can to take full advantage of the many benefits they offer. Moon Valley Nurseries is your privacy "hedge"-quarters! We have the largest hedge specimens that you will find anywhere, ready to create privacy, shade, beauty, and much more! Read about our top hedges for yards in Southern California below.

ficus-nitida-column-for-sale-at-Moon-Valley-NurseriesIndian Laurel Columns:

One of the best ways to create privacy fit for celebrities is with our Indian Laurel Columns. In fact, we call these our Hollywood-style hedge because they can add lush privacy to create a living wall quickly – these evergreens are so thick with foliage that they can help shield the nosy paparazzi (or neighbor) away! A mature hedge specimen is virtually impossible to see through. People that live in tract homes love them, and we like to plant them near property lines and swimming pools. They can grow in dry inland areas, as well as urban environments.


podocarpus for sale at Moon Valley NurseriesPodocarpus:

This low-maintenance evergreen grows fast so that you will have a living wall for privacy in no time at all! They can be trimmed down to fit into tighter forms, so they are an excellent choice for tighter spaces. Use them as a privacy screen, plant them along the street, or as a patio tree. These are also attractive plants for use as a windbreaker. Its lush, green foliage is soft to the touch and is sure to add plenty of curb appeal, too.



Japanese Blueberry trees for sale at Moon Valley NurseriesJapanese Blueberry:

This tree features a dense growth habit with multiple upright growing branches, so we like to plant the Japanese Blueberry to create a privacy hedge. Also, this upright growing evergreen tree with lush, shiny dark green foliage is well-suited as a windbreak and a tree that can provide plenty of shade. They are heat tolerant and cold hardy, making them an excellent selection for landscapes throughout California.



Italian Cypress for sale at Moon Valley NurseriesItalian Cypress:

This is one of the best trees you can find for creating a grand entrance. To make things even better, mature Italian Cypress trees lined up in a row along a property line can create a beautiful living privacy screen. This evergreen tree features blue-green foliage and brings that classic look of the Mediterranean to landscapes in Southern California. And, plant them to create an effective windbreak to protect you from the next season of Santa Ana winds.



Pymgy Date Palms for sale at Moon Valley NurseriesTropical Hedges (Many Palms):

Palms are beautiful and an awesome choice for creating a tropical oasis. Also, as great as they are for creating a calming paradise-like environment, the right palms can also be used as a tropical hedge to block unwanted views. Plant some Piru Queen palms™ with Pygmy Date palms underneath, and they can create one of the best tropical hedges you can find! Bismarck palms are aesthetically pleasing and grow in a way that can screen unsightly views, too!




When it comes to offering the trees that create privacy, you cannot beat the selection available at Moon Valley Nurseries. We value-engineer our products, so you save money with the bigger trees at the best price anywhere. Allow us to help you select just what you need. And, once you have chosen your hedge material, we can do the hard work such as digging and planting!

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