Top 5 Shade Trees

By Arica Harrison on May, 17 2018

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Arica Harrison


Here in California, we love to live the outdoor life! Whether its relaxing in the pool or barbequing on the back patio, we love to be outside. And to deal with our warm, sunny days, shade trees are essential. But there are more reasons to why shade trees are important. Here are our top reasons to plant shade trees now!

  1. Save on Your Utilities by Properly Planting a Tree-It’s possible to reduce the cost of air conditioning up to 50 percent. All we need to do is plant a few trees strategically around our homes to naturally cool our homes. Ask a Moon Valley nursery pro on the proper places to plant shade trees to cut your utility costs, and start saving!
  1. Trees Block Unwanted Things and Create Privacy-Trees can be used for more than privacy hedges. They can also be used as sound barriers, blocking noisy neighbors are busy streets. Planting trees around our homes can also block out wind, dust, and glare from the sun. Is the view from your backyard unappealing? Shade trees can be used to disguise unwanted views of parking lots or concrete walls.
  1. Trees Increase Property Value-Who isn’t interested in raising their property value? The answer would be no one. By simply creating a well-designed landscape, we can increase the property value of our homes by as much as 15 percent. An easy way to include shade and make an investment!
  1. Trees Mark the Seasons-Want to know when the seasons are changing? Look at your trees and witness it personally. A lot of our shade trees provide gorgeous fall colors of reds and oranges. Then in the spring and summer, we can have vibrant greens and pop of colors on those trees that bloom beautiful flowers. So, add a little variety to your landscape with some trees to mark the passing of the seasons!
  1. Trees Create Cooler Environments-In LA over the last 50 years, average temperatures have risen about 6 degrees. This is due to the increased development of heat-absorbing roads and buildings, and the decline in tree coverage. By planting trees, we can help cool our environments by creating shade for our homes and streets. Let’s add a little more nature back into our cities!

At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow our trees on our own local farms to ensure the greatest quality. And, since we custom grow locally, our trees will thrive in your yard. Below are some of our favorite shade trees for SoCal.

tipu tree (2)Tipu (Tipuana tipu) –Tipu trees give year-round interest with its feathery, bright bluish-green foliage and its golden blooms. This fast-growing, semi-evergreen thrives full sun exposure. Tipuana tipu is a versatile tree that can be used as a street or lawn tree and around a patio or terrace. As a bonus, Tipu trees attract butterflies, creating your own little paradise.





ficus_rubiginosaRusty Fig (Ficus rubiginosa) – Perfect for any coastal homes due to their salt tolerance. Rusty Fig trees have thick gray trunks and bark which contrast beautifully with their glossy, green leaves. Ficus rubiginosa, also known as Rusty Leaf Fig and Port Jackson Fig, has a dense growth habit which makes it perfect for smaller yards. Moon Valley offers both single and multi-trunk varieties.



live_oak_specimen_SLIDE_1Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) – Live Oaks have dense, dark green leaves that make up the large, wide canopy. They are also known as “Southern Live Oak.”  These trees are drought tolerant and require low water. The Southern Live Oak is a shade tree that the whole family will enjoy! Climb the strong limbs, carve your initials – make memories that last!





Evergreen-Ash-DSpec-650x650-MVNEvergreen Ash (Fraxinus udhei) –  Also known as Shamel Ash trees, these fast-growing trees have the classic park-style that many people adore. They have thick trunks with full canopies of long, glossy, dark green leaves. Evergreen Ash trees are simple to grow, requiring minimal maintenance and pruning. They are extremely tolerant, perfect for any landscape.





Chinese ElmChinese Elm ‘True Green’ (Ulmus parvifolia) – A favorite with homeowners! The ‘True Green’ has a wide, natural umbrella-shaped canopy that provides large amounts of shade. It is fast-growing, so the canopy will spread quickly – no waiting for shade! Chinese Elms have small, deep green leaves and mottled bark that resembles camouflage-like patterns. Perfect for hanging up a swing for everyone to enjoy!

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