Easy-to-Grow Plants You Can't Kill

By Blog on May, 27 2019

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Don't Have a Green Thumb? You Can't Kill These Plants

Have you ever been given a plant as a gift and nervously accepted it, knowing its days were numbered? Maybe you've always wanted to start a garden but figured it would end up brown and wilted within a few weeks. The truth is we can't all have a green thumb. However, there are plenty of plants out there for those of us who just don't have the magic touch. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we stock a multitude of plants that are easy to grow and require little maintenance. Even the most prone-to-killing-plants person can keep these healthy and thriving! Learn more about easy-to-grow plants and stop by one of our locations in Arizona, Nevada, Texas, California, or Florida.

Our Favorite Fool-Proof Plants

Many plants require special care to keep them beautiful and flowering. But not every plant needs an owner's manual! Our plant and tree nursery houses several plants that need very little maintenance to survive, even in the heat! Here are some of our favorite fool-proof plants that you can't kill:

Firecracker Sedum

Firecracker sedum has succulent leaves and a deep magenta color. These make an excellent complement to green and yellow plants and go a long way to adding a pop of brightness to your landscape. What's more, firecracker sedum plants rarely need watering (only when the soil feels dry). And if you're prone to overwatering, you won't have to worry either. This succulent is difficult to overwater and makes a great indoor plant.

Lily of the Valley

Lilies of the valley are remarkably tough. They can grow in nearly any kind of soil and thrive in both hot and cold climates. While growing lilies need extra moisture, established plants are drought resistant. They can survive with very little attention and only require a few doses of water to stay healthy. Lily of the valley makes an excellent ground cover, but it also works as a cut flower if you like to fill vases with summer blooms.


You might be surprised to learn that a flower as popular as the peony is actually quite easy to care for (and quite hard to kill). While peonies grow best in cooler climates, southerners can grow peonies just as well, as long as they choose an early-blooming variety. These flowers enjoy full sun and partial shade and only need water occasionally. They're a great way to add beautiful color to any garden.

Maximillian Sunflower

When we think of flower gardens, sunflowers are one of the first blooms that come to mind. In addition to being bright and gorgeous, sunflowers are also remarkably easy to care for. These flowers require very little water and bloom in poor soil and hot climates. As an added benefit, sunflowers attract pollinators (think bees and butterflies) that make the ecosystem thrive.

Gladiator Allium

They don't call it a gladiator for nothing! This allium flower can put up a fight against nearly any extreme temperature. Alliums are native to Central Asia, so they're used to hot summers and dry conditions. In fact, they may even grow better in dry soil. They need to be watered regularly but are low maintenance compared to other perennials.

Hardy Hibiscus

If you're looking to add some tropical flair to your backyard garden, consider a hibiscus plant! Hibiscuses don't need excessive water, but they do need to be kept moist in the summer heat. The good news is that wilting hibiscuses are easy to save. If you notice the petals looking slack, simply saturate the soil with lots of water. Soon enough, your hibiscus will be bright and tall again. Hibiscuses do well in warm climates with temperatures up to 90 degrees. But if temperatures regularly clock in above 100, your hibiscuses may need to be moved indoors.

Heat-Resistant Plants Make a Great Choice

At Moon Valley Nurseries, we predominantly serve communities in the American Southwest. As such, we know how difficult it can be to keep plants alive during the sweltering summer months. Who knows? Maybe it's just the weather keeping your green thumb at bay! If you're tired of plants drying up and dying, consider getting a heat-resistant plant. Many flowers and shrubs are naturally equipped to survive in a desert climate. The team at our plant and tree nursery can help you select a plant that loves the heat. Popular choices include:

  • Lantana
  • Lemon verbena
  • Salvia
  • Geranium
  • Marigold
  • Cosmos

Easy Tips for Keeping Your Plants Healthy

Perhaps you love a plant or flower that isn't on our list of hard-to-kills plants. In that case, it's a good idea to learn some tips and tricks for keeping your indoor and outdoor plants happy and healthy. While every plant requires slightly different care, here are a few general tips for cultivating a thriving garden:

  • Plant Properly: Many beginner gardeners don't set themselves up for success. Make sure you're planting your flowers, shrubs, and trees correctly in the first place. The professional planting team at Moon Valley Nurseries can ensure that your plants are ready to thrive!
  • Watch for Pests: Sometimes plants wither at no fault of your own. Stay vigilant for common pests, such as slugs and snails, that can damage your garden.
  • Remember to Prune: Pruning is not as challenging and tedious as you might think! This process might seem like busywork, but it helps plants flower better in the long run. If you learn to do it properly, pruning is a breeze. However, you can always look to the maintenance team at Moon Valley Nurseries if you'd rather hire a professional.
  • Plant Close to a Water Source: Even if you choose plants that don't require much water, it's still a good idea to keep them close to a water source. Consider planting your garden next to a hose or waterspout so periodic watering won't feel like such a chore.

Visit Moon Valley Nurseries Today

Whether you're a first-time gardener or recovering from a bout of recent plant deaths, Moon Valley Nurseries has something for you. We offer a wide variety of plant life for purchase, as well as top-notch landscape design services. When you visit one of our locations in the American Southwest, feel free to speak with any of our team members about the best hard-to-kill plants for your fledgling garden. We're always happy to help! Contact us today.

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