For The Best Trees On Earth Go Straight To The Moon

By Garrett Cleverly on July, 19 2017

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Garrett Cleverly

Garrett Cleverly is versed in all native and non native species of plants, trees, succulents, and cacti that grow throughout the southern region. Garrett has a love for gardening and all things outdoors.

Learn Why MooN Valley Nurseries
Has The Best Trees

They really are from out of this world!


At Moon Valley Nurseries, we always say "for the best trees on Earth go straight to the Moon!" But what does this mean?

Our owner Les Blake, who started Moon Valley Nurseries in 1995 with the first location in Phoenix, has provided a fantastic description of why our trees are far superior to what you will find at other nurseries.

In order to provide the highest quality trees for our demanding clients, our professional arborists here at Moon Valley Nurseries clone each specimen tree from very specific cuttings in state of the art laboratories at our tree farms and growing yards. Using proven techniques that we've developed over 20 years to maintain the utmost genetic purity, we only create our specimen clones from cuttings of the absolute best, purebred trees in existence.  These cuttings originate from mother trees that are more than 50 to 100 years old and exhibit distinct qualities the allow them to perform ideally for their designated use.  In addition to amazingly pure genetics, the care that we take to grow our trees is what really sets them apart from any other trees available today. All of our trees are irrigated with specially designed, enhanced water systems to ensure downward growing, minimally invasive yet strong root structure. In addition, we utilize our own custom designed, time release fertilizers along with our famous Moon Dust on every tree to ensure each receives all the proper major and micro nutrients to thrive in our climate. This custom blend of nutrients lasts for 18 months, creating ideal conditions for perfect root and branch development. Continue to use Moon Dust after planting but you'll have piece of mind knowing that our nursery pros and decades of experience were already working to make sure your new trees are the best possible, years before we plant them in your yard. Grower direct from our farms to your yard.... The best trees on Earth come from the Moon!

We have thousand acre growyards that are quite the sight to see. It is at these locations where we grow our trees to impressive heights that you will not be able to find at any other nursery or hardware store. Because we grow everything we sell, we can determine which tree will be the best for our region. Many other nurseries and hardware stores bring their trees in from Florida where the trees are not grown from mother trees and they have not been acclimated to our climate. Don't fall for something that is cheaper and a less superior product. If you want the best you to go to Moon, where we have trees so big they can already provide shade for your home, fruit and citrus so big they can produce homegrown good instantly, and flowering trees that can add instant curb appeal. 

At other nurseries and hardware stores you will have to wait years for these trees to grow in. At Moon Valley Nurseries, the only waiting you're doing is watching out professional installation team plant the trees for you for free. 

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