Valencia Oranges – Learn How to Grow this Juicy Favorite!

By Felipe Benavides on March, 7 2018
Citrus and Fruit

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.

valencia_orangesCopyright: edu1971 / 123RF Stock Photo

Summertime is the ripe time for Valencia oranges, and the perfect time to gather our friends and family, fire up the BBQ, and get ready to have a party! After all, the Valencia orange is perfect for juicing and adding to a bubbly glass of champagne or squeezing into a beer. In fact, Valencia oranges are the ideal piece of fruit for squeezing at home. Of course, we do not have to imbibe to enjoy the benefits of growing a Valencia orange tree.


Ready, Set, Grow a Valencia Orange Tree


Valencia orange season typically starts in March and runs through September or so. Yes, we love these sweet oranges – the Valencia orange peel is thin, which makes them easy to squeeze, and as satisfying as it is to be able to squeeze homegrown juice, they are also beautiful landscape trees. We like to plant these small to medium sized evergreens in rows, where they can create a privacy screen to block unwanted views. Don’t you just love the scent of orange blossoms in the air? When in bloom, their intoxicating fragrance is a tell-tale sign that spring has arrived, so we also like to plant them near windows and allow the fragrance to fill our rooms. No doubt about it, Valencia oranges provide a feast for the senses!


How to Care for a Valencia Orange Tree


Are you ready to take a bite and get a mouth full of the freshest, juiciest, and sweetest oranges you can find, with a minimal amount of seeds? Look no further! A Valencia orange tree is easy to plant and taking care of one is a breeze. We are in luck because these sweet orange trees grow best in our area – USDA zones 9 to 11!

Light: Plant these trees in a location with full sun exposure so that they can produce an abundant amount of oranges. At least 6 hours a day of sun every day is ideal.

Watering: Newly planted trees should be watered two to three times a week for the first several weeks. Once established, water it once a week. Check the soil at a depth of 5-inches to see if the soil is dry. Since the roots of this orange tree are wide, we want to be sure to water past the drip line.

Fertilizing: A Valencia orange tree will benefit from an application of fertilizer. Apply the first round when the fruits start to appear. Apply additional doses every month or two during the entire harvest season. During the dormant season, we recommend applying a dose of fertilizer at least twice.

Pruning: Pruning is not necessary unless you want to maintain the shape and height of the tree. If you decide to prune, be sure to do it before the harvest season. Feel free to remove dead and diseased branches.

 valencia_oranges_cut_openCopyright: ags1973 / 123RF Stock Photo

Why Wait?! Plant a Valencia Orange Tree at its Fruit Producing Age!


Moon Valley Nurseries has citrus trees for sale at fruit producing age. We have been growing all our citrus for decades, and we developed a custom rootstock that is guaranteed to produce excellent tasting fruit as well as a plentiful harvest so that you can share the wealth with friends, family, and neighbors!


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