Summer is finally over and cooler nighttime temperatures mean your landscape is starting to want to grow again. To properly help all of our plant material recover and begin to grow again, we need to start back up with our regular fertilization schedule. Different types of trees will require different nutrients. It sounds daunting but it is very simple and easy to do. Moon Valley Nurseries has developed a custom line of fertilizers for all the different types of trees, palms, and plants for our area. These are the same fertilizers we use to grow our trees from saplings to maturity.
Moon Dust
Our all-purpose fertilizer, Super Charged Moon Dust is the perfect organically blended fertilizer for all your trees, palms, and plants. This should be used monthly during the growing seasons. This is a granular fertilizer custom blended just for our soils and contains our proprietary Furst Liquid technology. Once per month, this should be applied to the canopy line of all your trees, palms, and plants. Each tree or plant will take a different amount of the granular based on the size of the tree. This is easily calculated with the directions on the back of the bag. It is recommended that you first lightly water the soil around the tree, then spread the Super Charged Moon Juice evenly around the trees or plants. Once you’ve applied the fertilizer, you should water it in fully. Some of the granules will not be gone after the initial watering, that’s ok! Over time, with each watering, it will break down into the soil feeding your plants. This makes this the perfect time-release formula for everything you are growing.
Super Charged Moon Juice
While not an actual fertilizer, Super Charged Moon Juice is the perfect root stimulator to use all year round for any season and any type of plants. It works great on vegetable gardens and potted plants too. Super Charged Moon Juice is used as frequently as weekly and is like adrenaline for your landscapes. It helps to keep the roots healthy and strong as well as supports healthy outer growth. This liquid can be mixed using a bucket and then poured over the rootball at the canopy line or under the plants. Directions for the mixture can be found on the back of the bottle for the different size trees, palms, plants, or gardens you may be growing.
Super Palm Juice
Having the best looking tropical yard has never been easier when using the proper fertilizers and following the right fertilization schedule. Super Palm Juice, specially blended to be used on all tropical plants, is exactly what your palms and tropicals need to always look their best and stay healthy. Super Palm Juice should be used in conjunction with Moon Dust monthly. This liquid fertilizer is mixed according to the directions on the bottle and applied around the rootball of the palms or tropical plants monthly. This is the same fertilization regimen we follow here at our nurseries and farms.
Moon Royal Professional Turf Fertilizer
The grass is always greener on the other side, that is if they use Moon Royal Professional Turf Fertilizer! With the perfect blend of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus along with added sulfur your grass will never look better or be healthier. This fertilizer should be used monthly during the growing season. Directions on the bag make it easy to calculate how much granular you will need based on the square footage of your grass. Using a push spreader or drop spreader, add in the desired amount and walk in an overlapping pattern to assure adequate coverage. Once the fertilizer has been spread throughout the lawn, it is time to water it in. Not all the granular fertilizer will be dissolved in some cases and this is ok, it will break down over the next couple of waterings.
Moon Green (Liquid iron + soil acidifier)
Tough soils that bind up the natural nutrients and minerals can be hard on our trees and plants in our region. Some areas experience clay soil, while others contain high salt content, all of which can stress out our trees and plants making them turn yellow since they are not able to absorbed the nutrients. This is why we created Moon Green liquid iron plus soil acidifier. With regular applications, Moon Green helps to break up soil while quickly adding in iron to help your trees and plants grow green and healthy again. This liquid should be mixed according to the directions and applied to the root ball area of the tree or plant.
Maintaining a healthy landscape doesn’t take much, but is important that you have a regular fertilization schedule to keep your investment green, growing and flowering. The experts at Moon Valley Nurseries have developed all of our custom blended fertilizers with years of research and testing to bring you the very best, most effective products available. If you have any questions on how to properly fertilize everything in your landscape our nursery pros are here to help. Call, click or visit any of our farms and we can get you everything you need to keep growing!
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