How To: Tree Maintenance For Firescaping

By Wyatt Honstein on February, 6 2025
Landscape Tips Tree Maintenance

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Wyatt Honstein

2025 started off by highlighting the need for preventative fireproofing of landscapes in southern California. Fire-resistant landscaping is a critical proactive measure, creating a defensible yard that reduces both the risk and spread of wildfire damage reaching your house. Fireproofing yards and protecting homes has become more important now than ever before. With nursery locations across the Los Angeles area, we’re here to offer FREE landscape assessments in all areas we operate in.

Firescaping is landscaping with fire resistant plants to defend your home from catching fire and preventing flames from spreading if any plant material begins to burn. The first step in firescaping is the proper removal of dead vegetation, brush, and combustible, dry trees & shrubs.


Many homes were at high risk during the fires in southern California due to brush and dead vegetation laying around the property, rather than being properly disposed of. This dead vegetation was essentially a tinder box, allowing the fire to spread and ultimately cause damage to the home. With regular maintenance, minimizing these tinder boxes laying around would vastly improve a homeowner’s chances of protecting their yard and home.


Tree Services At Moon Valley Nurseries

Regular maintenance for firescaping your home is a simple, three step process.

  1. Trim dead branches and foliage off all trees and plants. Dead foliage and branches are extremely dry and can catch fire easily.
  2. Clear all tree and plant droppings, brush, and dead ground cover. Accumulated debris is very combustible and can act as a kindling.
  3. Dispose of all waste correctly. Avoid leaving piles of trimmings that pose a fire hazard.

Regular maintenance can be quite a lift for homeowners. Luckily, Moon Valley Nurseries offers tree care services! With professional ISA certified arborists and fully licensed bonded and insured specialists, we guarantee the highest quality of care for your trees and landscape. From trimming to clean-up, our team will do everything possible to minimize the potential risk for fire damage.


Moon Valley Nurseries Tree Care Team

With regular (or professional) maintenance, protecting your landscape and home from potential fires can be easy. Preventative measures are the most effective measures, and properly disposing of trimming, debris, and any other potential fire hazard is one of the top ways to protect your home. Contact Moon Valley Nurseries today for professional tree care and fire assessment services today!


Want more firescaping tips? Check out our previous blog, to learn about the top fire-resistant trees and plants for your yard!

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