Italian Stone Pine - Moon Valley Nurseries Select

By Paul Popoff on March, 11 2020
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Paul Popoff

Paul has been working with Moon Valley Nurseries nearly 20 years and is certified by the ALCA, SLM, ISA and more. His extensive knowledge and background in horticulture makes him an industry leader.

stone pine

Italian Stone Pine

Pinus pinea

Italian Stone Pines, also called Mediterranean stone pines or umbrella pines were first described over 260 years ago. These conifer trees have been cultivated for over 6,000 years because of their edible pine nuts. These pines are perfect for casting shade throughout landscapes making your Tuscan style yard perfect for entertaining or enjoying any time of year. Stone Pines can be planted with other Mediterranean or Tuscan style trees to create your own private resort feel. These can also be planted in rows along streets and drives giving your home great curb appeal, privacy along with increasing your home’s value!  

These are medium to large size trees that will grow to about 15’-20' tall. These are evergreen like all conifer trees making these a cleaner tree in your landscape. Stone Pines feature medium green foliage contrasted by beautiful reddish-brown trunks. They are extremely cold hardy, thriving in temperatures below 20 degrees, making these perfectly suited for planting in lower elevation across the western United States. Stone pines are found around the world from the Mediterranean region, Southern Europe, Israel, Lebanon, North and South Africa, as well as the United States.

Moon Valley Nurseries has been perfecting our growing methods of the Italian Stone Pine and other trees for over 25 years. We have created the perfect choice select trees only available at our farms and nurseries. These are reproduced or harvested from near perfect specimen trees we’ve grown or acquired for the sole purpose of cloning to create that identical tree for our customers. The mother trees exemplify all of the characteristics and benefits that make them ideal for cloning. When compared with other trees, even within their own species, these trees demonstrate better growth habits, thicker trunks, greener foliage, better root structure – all the desirable traits that make our Stone Pines the best for your landscape.

Like all trees the Italian Stone Pine should be fed monthly March through October. We grow all of our trees on our customer Moon Dust All Purpose Fertilizer and strongly suggest you do the same if you want to expect expert results. You can order online or in store!

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