January Tips to Care for Your Roses

By Jessica Downs on January, 22 2019
Landscape Tips

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What a Lovely Thing a Rose is...

...And with the weather changing yet again, it is time to see how well our roses survived the winter and help them get back to prime shape for the fullest blooms in 2019! At Moon Valley Nurseries, we support our roses-loving community in Arizona and make sure to always have the best, and most variety of, roses. Now is the time to start getting ready to plant new roses and getting your existing roses ready to start producing in abundance any time now!

January Rose Care Guide  


Make sure to prune all the roses back about one half of its current growth and remove foliage. Clean up all debris, including leaves and petals and discard them in the trash. If you have roses that are the climbing variety, pruning will not be needed.


While this might vary depending on what type of weather we are experiencing this month, we recommend deep watering your roses at least once a week. Continue to monitor the temperature and pay attention to your plants.


Examine the area where your roses are planted, or will be planted, to make sure there are no weeds around the roses. Remove all weeds that you can see, no matter how small they might be.


Because we live in a warmer region than the rest of the country, we can start planting roses as early as January. Be sure to keep newly planted roses moist while they are transitioning into their new location.

Click Here  for the January Rose Care Guide Infographic


Moon Valley Nurseries Roses Selection

We take roses seriously because we know how serious our customers are about their roses. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we make sure to have a large selection at every location. We carry 100’s of different varieties of roses for customers to choose from whether you are looking for a unique informal hedge, plants to climb all over trellis’, or just to have a beautiful section of roses to enjoy in your yard, we can help you!

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