Japanese Blueberry Tree Care | Moon Valley Nurseries

By Jason Talmage on November, 17 2020
Tree Maintenance

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Jason Talmage

If you are thinking of adding a new tree to your landscape, you may want to consider the Japanese blueberry tree. Plant it this fall, and when its fragrant white to greenish-white flowers bloom next spring, you’ll be glad you did.

The Japanese blueberry tree grows in Hardiness Zones 8-11. It is classified as an evergreen ornamental tree, but it can also be grown as a shrub or topiary. This plant resists disease and survives in drought conditions. It grows relatively fast and matures at 40 to 60 feet tall with a 20- to 30-foot crown.

While Japanese blueberry trees don’t require much care to remain healthy, be sure to follow these tips for the best results.

Planting Japanese Blueberry Trees

These plants prefer at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. The custom-grown strain of Japanese blueberry available from Moon Valley Nurseries can thrive in nearly all soil conditions. If you prune your Japanese blueberry as a tree, it can provide excellent shade. On the other hand, if you grow several Japanese blueberries as shrubs on the edge of your property, you can benefit from a privacy hedge.

Watering Japanese Blueberry Trees

Each time you water your Japanese blueberry, aim to soak the ground 24 to 36 inches deep to ensure the entire root ball has been watered. Deep, frequent watering helps to establish a healthy root system. Just be sure not to overwater or allow pools to develop.

Fertilizing Japanese Blueberry Trees

Choose organic-blended fertilizer designed for the desert to provide your Japanese blueberry with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. Moon Dust from Moon Valley Nurseries is an optimal product. Apply once a month between March and October, but avoid fertilizing during heat waves when temperatures exceed 110 degrees.

For even faster growth and recovery from seasonal stress, apply Moon Juice once a month as well. Then, consider soil and water conditioner to counteract salt buildup in arid states like Nevada and Arizona.

Pruning Japanese Blueberry Trees

Prune about once a year at the start of the growing season (late February or early March). If you’re growing your Japanese blueberry as a tree, prune off suckers at the bottom as they appear. If growing as a topiary, regular pruning is needed to maintain a columnar shape. If growing as a shrub, less pruning is required. No matter the form you choose, feel free to prune your Japanese blueberry to fit your aesthetic preferences.

At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow our own special Green Emerald Blueberry tree. It is hardier, has denser foliage, and grows better throughout the southwestern United States, including Texas. For more expert tree care advice, or to learn more about the 118,000+ trees we have in stock, please contact us online or visit one of our locations in Arizona, California, Nevada, Texas, or Florida.

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