The 5 Top Reasons to Grow Your Own Fruit at Home

By Felipe Benavides on May, 17 2018
Citrus and Fruit

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.

Reap the Rewards of Homegrown Fruit and Citrus


When it comes to smart gardening, it is hard to beat growing fruit at home. Read about the five top reasons to plant fruit trees in your backyard!

  1. Healthy and Tasty Fruit that Saves You Money-Contrary to popular belief, we can grow a wide variety of fruits in Las Vegas. Of course, it can get cold, so stone fruits do best. That said, we can grow citrus too, such as certain varieties of lemons and grapefruits. We can grow fruits such as apples, peaches, and oranges, and know exactly how and where they were grown. These days, unless you do your research, you have no clue what chemicals they sprayed on your favorite fruit. Feel free to grow the tastiest and juiciest fruit without pesticides.


  1. For a Gorgeous Spring Show with Fragrance, too-No doubt that fruit trees reward us with the fruit that can provide vitamins our bodies need. Besides the beneficial fruit, fruit trees can reward our senses with beautiful showy flowers. The peach tree flower bouquets add elegance and beauty to the landscape. Apricot trees in full bloom can also add a splash of color to the landscape. Grow fruit trees in your backyard, and you can have a better quality of life!


  1. Fruit Trees Can Create Shade-We know that the temperatures in Las Vegas can reach simmering heights. Shade trees can help us find relief from the outdoor heat. Black Mission Fig trees have lots of foliage that can create plenty of shade coverage. We can also plant fruit trees as a great way to add a natural border or to create separate spaces in the yard.


  1. For an Incredible Variety and Flavors-Variety is the spice of life. With so many fruit trees available, there is no need to stick to just one flavor. Each variety has its own specific character. From tarty flavors to sweet and somewhere in-between, we can taste different varieties of fruits and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.


  1. You Don’t Have to Leave the House-Why take a trip to the supermarket when you can pick the freshest fruit in your backyard? Growing fruit trees right outside your door make it easy to eat a sweet peach off the tree for an easy snack on the go! Skip the traffic jam and save money on gas!

Backyard Fruit Trees for Our Area

An edible garden is possible in Las Vegas. We will want to consider some things. We need to find out what the best backyard fruit trees are for our area. Most citrus trees are too cold for our area. That said, we can grow dwarf citrus trees such as tangerines and limes in containers, and bring them indoors when it gets too cold. Don’t worry though. We can grow grapefruit trees such as Marsh Seedless, Oro Blanco, and Rio. Of course, we can also grow fantastic peach trees, apricots, and figs. We will want to speak with a professional landscape specialist to figure out the best backyard fruit tree layout. Dwarf and semi-dwarf trees can fit in almost any size yard. Enjoy the tastes of the season and live the good life!


650x650-PeachesPeach: Peach trees grow very well in our area, so eat a peach and savor the goodness that only a sweet and juicy peach provides! Some of the best-tasting peaches are grown right here in Las Vegas. May Pride and Mid Pride varieties are proven winners. Grow the best peaches that chefs rave about.






oro-blanco-grapfruitGrapefruit: Grapefruit trees are less cold sensitive than other citrus varieties. In Las Vegas, we can grow Marsh Seedless, Rio Red, and Oro Blanco. These three are some of the juiciest and tastiest grapefruit known to man. Start your day off right with the energizing health benefits of an Oro Blanco grapefruit, one of our favorites because of its sweet flesh.





650x650-LemonLemon: These are fast growing trees, and in Las Vegas, the best ones for our area include Eureka, Meyer, and Pink Lemons. Meyer lemons are a favorite due to their many culinary uses and their thin rind that makes squeezing them a breeze. Look for those three types, and you’ll be squeezing the fresh lemon juice in no time at all!






royal_apricot_2Apricot: An apricot tree loves our local climate. Proven winners in Las Vegas include Gold Kist and Royal (Blenheim), which also happen to be the tastiest you will find anywhere. Can them, make dried fruit, or eat them by the slice. Either way, enjoy this favorite summertime fruit!






dorsett-golden-appleApple: The Dorset (Golden) apple is the tried and true variety that grows well in Las Vegas. These are also beautiful landscape trees that can bring wonderful color and shade to the yard.







valencia-orangeOrange: We can grow orange trees in our area. They do best in containers. For best results, we will want to plant Valencia oranges. Valencia is touted as being one of the best for making fresh-squeezed orange juice.







650x650-Fig-on-TreeFig: The Black Mission Fig tree is a good choice for the Las Vegas climate. These trees produce excellent tasting fruit that is also nutritious. They are highly adaptable trees with attractive green foliage. Specimen size trees can create plenty of shade, too! Use them as a beautiful seasonal screening for patios and decks.






santa-rosa-plumPlum: Plum trees are easy to grow, and the Santa Rosa Plum is the perfect choice for Las Vegas. These fruits are prized for their flavor. People love to eat them fresh or make preserves. This cultivar is a proven taste test winner! In fact, many people say that these are the best-tasting of all plum varieties. We tend to agree! Besides the fruit, there are excellent landscape trees that can produce showy flowers in spring.

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