Celebrate Earth Day and Transform your Yard with Moon Valley Superior Trees

By Jessica Downs on April, 19 2019
Spring Tips

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One of our favorite days to celebrate and remember is Earth Day (it is April 22nd, by the way so don’t forgot to celebrate in your own way). It is like the holiday was made for us!

From the coasts of California to the Gulf of Mexico, we have been planting more trees than anybody else over the last 25 years. And we will keep planting them for years to come and growing into new territories.

Since 2010 alone, we have planted over 1.7 million trees!

Earth Day lands in a great time of year to help educate and inform people about the benefits of all the different types of trees. It is also a great time to plant trees!

With the weather we experience in early spring, our soil is warm and prepped for new trees. This helps acclimate newly transplanted trees quickly, which lessens any potential for transplant shock. The mild warm temperatures also create the perfect environment for your trees to get used to their new home and be prepared for the summer.

To celebrate Earth Day, we want to spotlight some of our favorite trees that do best when planted this time of year and that can transform your landscape in one day. Some of these are even exclusive only to Moon Valley. Keep reading to pick out your next tree!

Which Trees Will Transform My Yard this Summer?

Evergreen Ash

shamel 'evergreen' ashMany people call this the Evergreen Ash tree and others call it the Shamel tree. Regardless of what your preferred name is, we all agree that this is a beautiful tree that stands out in a landscape.

The Evergreen Ash is a favorite waterwise, fast-growing shade tree perfect for just about any landscape in Arizona. A native to Mexico, this sun-loving tree can grow up to 40-feet tall and wide in just a couple of decades.

This tree will easily grow into a large canopy that provides a generous amount of shade. Simple to grow, this Ash is generally grown in parks, commercial areas, and can be seen adorning large landscapes or planted as a large ornamental tree in medium-sized yards.

At Moon Valley Nurseries, we created a better version of the Evergreen Ash strain. Our Evergreen Ash is stronger, more reliable, and more evergreen than other strains you find elsewhere.  

Purple Leaf Plum

purple plum in green yard 571xThe Purple Leaf Plum tree is one our favorite flowering trees and right now is the best time to see them at their best! This tree produces a wealth of showy pink flowers in spring but can start to bloom sooner and last longer, depending on the weather.

And the color does not end there!

This remarkable tree also features exceptional dark purple foliage. Between the flowering season it has in the beginning of the year and beautiful purple foliage in the fall, this tree is the ultimate ornamental tree.

We recommend planting them in front yards, where they are sure to attract all the right attention from neighbors. We often plant them in pairs or more to line borders, gateways, and driveway entries in colorful style.

They can also be planted in an orchard-like row to create a stunning privacy screen. These ornamental trees can make a bold and beautiful color statement no matter how you choose to plant them!

Crape Myrtle

crape myrtleThe Crape Myrtle is our favorite tree to add color to a landscape and it is the number one selling flowering tree at Moon Valley Nurseries due to its ability to offer something for every season.

During the spring season, this tree really shines with its large clusters of flowers (nearly the size of a football) that bloom all over the foliage. The blooms can last a long time, sometimes even until late summer.

At Moon Valley Nurseries, we offer this tree as a single-trunk or multi-trunk. In addition, the Crape Myrtle trees grown at Moon Valley Nurseries are a top variety thanks to its optimal mildew resistance, which you will not find anywhere else.

Fruitless Olive

Fruitless OliveThese certified fruitless strains and disease-free olives have grown their entire lives in the hot and dry inland climate, so they are a far superior choice than those grown in other regions.

They can grow to be medium-sized trees, so they are the perfect fit for any landscape and almost any style! These evergreens can grow with a wide-spreading canopy, which makes them an ideal option as a shade tree or used as a silhouette against structures.

They also have the impressive multi-trunk structure that makes them an excellent choice for exhibition by landscape lighting, where they add dramatic flair and curb appeal to any yard!

One of the best features of this tree that makes them grow so well in Las Vegas is how tolerant they are of all types of soil, good or bad! Living in a desert can be rough for us and our plants but the Fruitless Olive trees love it here.

Date Palm

date_palm_-1The ultimate palm for your pool, the Date Palm tree is usually found at most resorts and shopping centers. The Date Palm provides excellent shade due to its wide fronds and it has practically no litter, which makes them perfect when wanting to add a tropical or luxurious feel to your pool.

The Date Palm looks great when planted in clusters of 3 to 5 palms and combined with other palms of differentiating heights. This palm is hardy to cold and heat and is very drought-tolerant, perfect for Vegas!

The classic tree of the desert oasis is also the classic tree of the Southwest. You will often find these palms, and probably have noticed them, in many other places such as upscale resorts, high-class shopping areas, and grand estates!

Celebrate with Us This Weekend

Come by your nearest location and find all the trees on this list for yourself. Nothing compares to seeing them with your own eyes and standing in front of them to truly appreciate all their beauty.

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