Winter Watering, Fertilizing, What Trees to Plant Now and More
In this months issue of November Landscape and Garden Tips, we have a wealth of information that is going to help you and your yard this season. This is the time of year when things finally begin to change around town. Some trees are changing color as they adjust to the cooler winter temperatures and others are pushing out spurts of new growth. One of the most overlooked practices this time of year by homeowners is watering and fertilizing. A big misconception is that because everything is pushing out new growth and seems to be growing well, that they are getting the right amount of water and fertilizer, unfortunately more often than not, this isn't the case.
To Do List:
- Winter Watering: During the cooler months it is important that we back off the watering frequency. This allows trees, plants and even grass a chance to develop strong deep roots that will encourage more growth come the following spring. This also creates a landscape that is less susceptible to disease and insect infestation. It is important to continue to water deeply each time you water, and different plants will have different frequency requirements. You can download our watering guide here
to help you get a better idea on just how to take care of your landscape.
- Fertilization: Fertilizing everything and hardening them up as we say in the industry is a great way to give your landscape one last push through the winter months. Fertilizing your palms, shade trees, evergreen trees, flowering trees, and even your dormant trees now gives them the best chance of pulling though the winter and taking off come spring time. We recommend using our custom blended fertilizers for your landscape needs as they are specifically formatted for our soil and weather conditions. These cane be purchased at all Moon Valley Nursery locations or online here.
- Vegetable Gardens: Fall and winter is a great time to be planting your winter veggies! Our cold weather vegetables are going to be things like cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, peas, spinach and everyones favorite tomatoes and jalapenos! These should all be started now and fertilized once a month while they are growing. These need to be watered regularly and given a chance to dry out in between each watering cycle. This helps them to develop good strong roots through post production.
Below are a few trees our experts recommend planting for this month
Chinese Elm 'True Green'
One of the best shade trees or those sun drenched homes, the Chinese Elm is an attractive tree that can be planted as the focal point in any landscape.It absolutely loves the sun and the variety we carry at Moon Valley Nurseries does not weep. Ours is a fast growing tree that grow upright and round for maximum shade and curb appeal. It's leaves are small and elliptic in shape and the bark sheds in a puzzle fashion. It's a fantastic option for any landscape seeking instant shade.
This fast growing tree is an excellent option for those water conscious homeowners looking to add shade and color at the same time. The Tipu is one of the fastest growing varieties we offer at Moon Valley Nurseries . In time, it's upright and open umbrella shaped canopy will provide shade where desired. When it comes to color, it's flowers are a golden yellow color and are abundant in late spring to early summer. It can become drought tolerant once established and it thrives in cold and heat.
Museum Palo Verde
This eye-catching desert tree is a must have for every home. It is a hybrid of different Palo Verde species that brings out the best qualities of each. It creates a massive and wide reaching canopy of layered shade that provides sun to any shrubs plants underneath the canopy. It blooms massive amounts of yellow flowers throughout the spring and can bloom again in the fall. The tree is supported by an attractive twisting blue-green trunk that provides a stark contrast to any landscape. Once established it rarely needs any water and is a fantastic desert tree for those looking for curb appeal.
Brazilian Pepper
This evergreen tree may be native to Brazil, but it is right at home in our climate. This tree is one of the best water wise trees we carry at Moon Valley Nurseries and it just absolutely thrives in our sun and heat. It's lush and thick umbrella shaped canopy is supported by its dense branches that criss-cross and spread out from the main trunk. It produces white flowers in late spring and in the fall and winter it produces pinkish colored fruits in clusters. Many homeowners use these berries during the holidays for crafty displays.
California Pepper
Even though this tree has the name "pepper" in it, it is vastly different when compared to the Brazilian Pepper. The California Pepper is originally from South America, but it has found a home in our region. It is an evergreen tree that displays a weeping appearance that is graceful looking. It thrives in our sun and it produces a broad canopy of layered shade. It grows more upright than it does wide and it is supported by its strong trunk and branches. The California Pepper also produces red-colored berries in small and rounded clusters. It requires minimal water once established.
Fruit & Citrus - Lemon tree in photo
We always like to think that the #1 benefit to living in our climate is the fact that we can all grow our own food almost all-year long and we're not talking about the vegetable garden. We're talking bigger, and Moon Valley Nurseries has the biggest selection of fruit and citrus trees. seriously, there is no need to run to the grocery store to buy lemons, oranges, grapefruit, apples, peaches, avocados (only in CA), limes, tangerines, tangelos, kumquats, nectarines, apricots, plums, and figs. Because we offer all of these fruit and citrus trees. They are all super easy to grow and many of our varieties are already producing. No need to buy a small tree and wait 5 years. Purchase one of ours and your tree is already producing!
These trees can be found almost anywhere in our region for a reason. Their showy, blue-purple flowers in large-thick clusters is what makes this tree a popular flowering tree for just about any landscape. The Jacaranda loves the full sun and it can handle the cold as well. it's growth pattern is upright, as if it was trying to reach for the stars and the tips of its branches are where the clusters of flowers bloom. The Jacaranda has more of an open canopy creating shade to a large area where shade is desired. We offer single and multi-trunk varieties at Moon Valley Nurseries and this tree is one of the most eye-catching curb appeal trees you cab plant.
The Southern United States does not have a monopoly on this tree, and they can be found throughout our region. Magnolia's are amazing trees. For starters, their cream-white flowers not only are impressive to look at, they also give off a pleasing aroma. It's large waxy-like leaves have helped the Magnolia have a thick canopy, giving much-needed shade. At Moon Valley Nurseries, a few of our Magnolia varieties have the green and brown backs adding yet another layer of color. Over time, the Magnolia will create a wide range of shade and it absolutely thrives in our sun and heat.
Japanese Blueberry
The Japanese Blueberry is a visually appealing evergreen due to its dense, lush foliage and striking leaf color throughout the year which provides a fantastic backdrop for contrasting flowers and shrubs. It thrives in full sun and handle the cold extremely well. It has become one of regions most planted hedge variety and is an excellent choice for just about any landscape.
Carolina Cherry
Native to the Southeastern United States, the Carolina Cherry has become a popular choice for its minimal maintenance, natural upright conical shape, and ability to tolerate heat, drought, and wind. The Carolina Cherry is a small to medium-sized evergreen with dark green, lustrous wavy-edged foliage on brown thornless stems. They can be easily sheared into a tall screen or sound barrier which make them a near-perfect option for many homes.
Moon Valley Nurseries is your one stop shop for all your landscape needs. Our experts have decades worth of experience and they will be able to assist you with any projects or questions you may have. Remember to change your watering schedule as we enter the winter and be sure to map a Moon Valley Nurseries locations right here.
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