Roses Are a Landscaping Favorite!

By Felipe Benavides on October, 11 2017

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.

roses_infographic.pngTake time to smell the roses. Growing a rose garden is the best way to wake up and smell the roses so that you can get your day started right! We love these beautiful plants, and with over 150 species and thousands of cultivars available in a nearly every color and a variety of shapes, there is much to love! A vast world of wonderful scents and colors await.

Rose bushes make fine hedges or container plants and are a natural choice for flower beds and shrub borders. Adding to its valuable landscaping uses are a wide range of benefits associated with them, such as medicinal. With so many great things going for it, it’s no wonder why they are the number one selling shrub at Moon Valley Nurseries!


Many Uses

Roses have been cultivated throughout the ages. They are versatile, with their usage going way beyond their ornamental properties.

  • Rose essence is beneficial in skin care because they are rich in flavonoids, tannins, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E.
  • Rose water is an effective astringent that can reduce swelling of capillaries beneath the skin. Rose water is also used as an antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. The rose water has been used to treat dry, scaly skin as well as dermatitis and eczema.
  • Rose hips are rich in vitamin C and are often used to make jams and teas.
  • Potpourri can help make the indoor air a little more pleasant. Placing a few drops of rose essence can increase the pungency.
  • Many people consider them to be the symbol of love and romance.


Roses Growing Factors to Consider

Our dry climate makes our area an ideal place for these beauties to grow. The dry air can prevent many rose diseases because it can minimize fungal problems. Here are some growth factors to consider:

  • They thrive in the sun – plant in an area where they will receive at least 6 hours of daily sunshine.
  • Bloom in Spring, Summer, and Fall – sometimes year-round, except for in the mountain regions of Southern California.
  • If space is limited, consider dwarf or miniature varieties.
  • Rose bushes can create the most colorful hedge you’ll find anywhere.
  • Space plants correctly to get the healthiest growth. In general, the spacing guideline is about 3 to 5 feet apart (for landscape purposes.)
  • They are not drought tolerant plants. We recommend giving them at least an inch of water each week, and water more frequently during those hot, dry spells.
  • They like special attention and care, give them some TLC and they will reward you.
  • With so many different types, there are going to be differing levels of thorniness, so it may be a good idea to pick a less thorny type if children are present or if you plan to have them poolside, next to outdoor benches, near patios, etc.
  • They prefer soil that’s rich in organic matter. Try mixing compost or other types of organic matter where you plant them.


Types and Varieties

Yes, there are many different types and varieties of rose bushes available and at Moon Valley Nurseries we have the perfect one’s ready to thrive in your yard. Choosing the right rose for your garden requires some thoughtful planning. For instance, they range from climbing types, which can cover a structure in beautiful colors, to miniature rose plants, which have been bred to stay small in size. One thing is sure, all types and varieties are delightful whether grown indoors or in a spectacular rose garden. You can find a wide range of rose bushes and Moon Valley Nurseries carries thousands of container grown, delivered farm fresh! With more than a thousand types available, we’ll just scratch the surface, so here are a few favorite choices to consider:

Landscape Shrub:landscape_shrub_roses

an excellent choice for screens, hedges and mass planting. Rose bushes are a natural choice for flower beds and shrub borders too. These types have diverse flower forms, colors, and fragrance and combine traits of the hardiest rose species with modern repeat bloomers. People love the ‘Carefree Wonder,' which is easy to grow, hardy, disease resistant and valued for their recurrent pink blooms. The ‘Home Run’ rose is a quick repeat bloomer with deep bright-red blooms that open to reveal gold stems; you’ll hit a home run with a bouquet of these for your loved one! You cannot go wrong with the ‘Knockout,' a red shrub that packs a punch of colors ranging from pink, yellow and bicolor blends.


these can be trained to climb on pillars, fences, arbors, and gazebos and are a great way to create a charming setting. The strongest ones can cover a house roof or grow to the top of a large tree! Common flower colors are blue, orange, pink, red, white and yellow and typically produce spring to summer blooms. Lovers of the color pink will be happy with the ‘New Dawn’ and the ‘Ballerina,' with its small foliage and blossoms is a great choice for hedging. ‘Fourth of July’ is a large-flowered climber with a red blend and stripes that blooms in flushes throughout the season and is sure to set your garden into a festive mood.

Hybrid Tea:hybrid_tea_rose

are classic and aristocratic, featuring long stylishly pointed buds that spiral open to large blossoms with a high center. Created by cross-breeding two types of roses; they produce a show-stopping bloom. For instance, the ‘Neil Diamond,' a local favorite, delights with its summer bloom of bright white flowers with red splatter that’s absolutely delicious to look at. ‘Lasting Love’ features dark red flowers and a strong fruity rose fragrance that you cannot help but fall in love with! ‘First Prize’ is a long-stemmed bloomer and a top exhibition rose year after year thanks to its stunning display of large, deep pink buds that open to layers of pink, rose and ivory.

Take your time and wander through any of our beautiful nurseries, where you can soak up all the fantastic effects that these plants can bring to your senses. Any of our nursery pros will be glad to help you handpick the perfect rose types for the perfect spot in your yard. And with #FREEPLANTING available, things are looking rosy for all!

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