10 Fun Facts About Trees

By Jessica Downs on January, 28 2020
Tree Highlights

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Need Five More Tree Facts? 

  • We improved our Majestic Ash trees to grow seedless, so you get all the benefits of a shade tree and less cleanup!
    majestic ash
  • One large tree can lift up to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and discharge it into the air. 

  • Shade trees can cool your landscape and home by 20-45 degrees Fahrenheit compared to non-shaded areas.

  • Trees can help reduce stormwater runoff by collecting and storing rainfall in the canopy. They then release water into the atmosphere through evapotranspiration.

  • Planting a mature tree has an immediate effect on the environment, removing One tree can absorb as much carbon in a year as a car produces while driving 26,000 miles.

  • Mature trees can remove almost 70 times more pollution than a young tree, so plant big for cleaner air! 

  • No organism lives longer than trees. Plant now for future generations to benefit from the beauty and the cleaner air. 
  • All citrus is grown on different rootstocks. We grow our citrus with carrizo rootstocks to ensure the best-tasting fruit while keeping it in a semi-dwarf size. 

  • Box-grown is the best way to grow trees for future planting. Once planted, box tree roots erupt below the surface and grow healthier with deeper roots. Spading trees out of the ground causes root damage and may take years to recover fully. 

  • You can only find Piru Queen palms at Moon Valley Nurseries. Our Queen palm variety has been perfected to have a fuller crown and thicker trunk.

    Piru queen palm

Share some tree facts with us below! 

*Check with your local nursery for tree availability in your region.


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