Arizona State Tree: The Palo Verde

By Jessica Downs on July, 19 2019

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At Moon Valley Nurseries, we carry multiple varieties of Palo Verdes so you can find the perfect option for you! Come to your nearest nursery and see them in person. Watch the video below to learn more about our state tree, the Palo Verde. 


The Palo Verde with out a doubt one of the most popular trees in Arizona. People love its greenish yellow foliage its something that you can eventually wean of water its ideal for desert landscapes, so easy to grow, so easy to take care of it grows really, really well here it grows in either a single trunk that will be a beautiful tree or a multi trunk that will add character to any landscape there are hybrid varieties that will give you a different color. There are hybrid varieties that will provide more coverage and less bloom so they’re great for any yard. Come to Moon Valley Nursery we will help you out with it.


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