Copperwood Elementary Garden Club Partnership

By Moon Valley Nurseries on April, 19 2023
Giving Back Community Projects Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

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Moon Valley Nurseries

Moon Valley Nurseries came to Copperwood Elementary School to help the Gardening Club fulfill a dream of their own in-house community garden. The club and science classes run by Mr. Glausserhad been tending to some seed starts in the classroom before this and called Moon Valley Nurseries in to get things going on a larger scale!

The Copperwood Elementary School Garden Club students built these amazing aluminum 4’x8’ garden beds for the vegetables and pollinator gardens, and a wooden raised bed was also donated by Moon Valley to support the Sensory Succulent Garden for the special needs classroom facilitated by Mrs. Alden, who helped organize the project.

Moon Valley Nurseries, with the help of Mr. Glausser’s wife, came out and poured over 100 bags of pottingsoil (2 tons worth!) into the beds.

We provided herbs, vegetables, and pollinator plants to help teach the students about the important relationship pollinators have to our lives, as well as the appreciation to be had for plants that provide us with the food on our tables. Before the plants were even set in their final spots, the hummingbirds came along and started feeding, garnering much wonder from the passerby students!

While watering in the new seed starts, we applied Moon Juice to everything so they had the best chance to survive and thrive in this urban garden.

The students were taught how to water the beds deeply to encourage root growth, learned about companion planting and the impact of ornamental flowering plants, the differences between annual and perennial Arizona flowers, and how to fertilize a garden.

Moon Valley Nurseries also provided and planted a Meyer Lemon and Cara Cara Orange tree to Copperwood elementary, as well as two Tangerine Beauty Vines for the welcome arch.

All of the donations were warmly welcomed by the Principal and Vice Principal, and we could not have been happier to provide the students and faculty with this experience that will hopefully inspire the future generations to plant more trees!


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