Ficus Indian Laurel Hedges

By Jessica Downs on July, 19 2019

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Need to design a hedge for your new home or property?

You cannot talk about hedges without talking about Indian Laurel Columns.


The Indian Laurel Columns is the only column that you could make the true Hollywood Hedge with. That’s when you go container to container to container with one trench to give you instant privacy, it’s probably the only tree that actually prompt a ton of growth through out the summer time so when were all dying in 120 this tree is loving it, taking it in and pushing out as much growth as possible. We as Moon Valley Nursery, we like to do our own things because we’re the grower we cut the middle guy. We take our own cuttings from our own mother trees and make exclusive Moon Valley acclimatized trees to your area. They provide such dense shade. It’s the cleanest tree you could possibly own. There’s not another tree that’s going to hit every mark for you and that is why the Moon Valley Nursery Column Indian Laurels is the best tree you could possibly own for any kind of privacy situation.

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