Get Your Yard Ready for Spring

By Felipe Benavides on January, 17 2018
Landscape Tips

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.


Get Your Yard Ready for Spring: To Do List


  • Remove weeds - You can click here to read all about it!
  • Clean up – Rake matted leaves so that the plants can take in sunlight. Fallen leaves and dead foliage can smother plants and foster disease - Remove debris
  • Plant and Feed – Apply fertilizer around trees, shrubs, and perennials    
  • Mulch - Acts as a barrier so that it can keep the seeds of weeds at bay
  • Prepare your lawn and garden equipment
  • Evaluate  the health and appearance of shrubs, trees, and other plants
  • Prune away dead and damaged branches on trees and shrubs
  • Patch any bare spots in the lawn

Learn more about our custom fertilizers! 

 Here are Some Top Picks for a Beautiful Landscape All Year Long!


citrus_fruitsCitrus Fruit: We live in an area that is perfect for growing many of the best tasting and most attractive citrus trees you’ll find anywhere. Our citrus trees are bearing tons of the tastiest, juiciest fruits right now so that you can pick oranges, kumquats, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit, and so much more right outside your door! If you have the room, plant an orchard and get ready to save money, all while enjoying healthy, homegrown citrus. Citrus trees are evergreen too so that they can also provide shade. Plant near windows and enjoy the aromatic foliage and scented flowers! And if you don’t have the room for an orchard or big trees, don’t fret, we sell espalier citrus trees that are perfect for small spaces!


peach_tree_blossomStone Fruit: Plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines – these are just some of the stone fruit trees we carry at our nurseries, and we have taken the guesswork out and only sell the best varieties for our area. Plant stone fruit trees now and once spring arrives, you can enjoy the beautiful bouquet of flowers that range in colors from pink to purple and white, creating a colorful scene that is sure to enhance any landscape. Yes, the flowers of stone fruit are an indicator that spring has arrived. The lovely springtime flowers precede the arrival of summertime fruit, arriving just in time for picnics. Our low-chill variety stone fruit trees can bear the sweetest, tastiest, and juiciest fruits that are far and above anything that you will find at any supermarket.   


arizona_ash.jpegAsh (Fraxinus):

We carry all the best Ash varieties!  Right now is the best time to plant these trees so that you can enjoy the shade they provide just in time for when the temperatures start to heat up. Springtime can be hot and sunny too, so finding respite from the heat is going to be welcome. All these varieties make great shade trees, and varieties such as Modesto have foliage that turns to a bright golden color in the fall, and Raywood Ash has beautiful dark green leaves that can turn to a rich burgundy color before its brief deciduous period.


16 crape pink and lavendar 48s.jpgCrape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia):

We only grow the best varieties for our area including ‘Dynamite,’ ‘Natchez,’ ‘Muskogee,’ ‘Tuscarora,’ ‘Tuskegee,’ and ‘Catawba.’ All Crape Myrtle varieties are going to bring a burst of vibrant colors in shades of red, white, purple or pink and can start blooming in the spring and lasting into fall. These beautiful ornamental trees work well anywhere in your landscape and can be planted anytime! 



Anyone looking for an attractive drought tolerant tree is sure to appreciate any of the Acacia varieties we grow and sell. For instance, Acacia saligna and Acacia baileyana can grow a very wide umbrella-shaped canopy so that they can provide the right amount of filtered shade. Acacia smallii (Sweet Acacia) can also provide a good amount of filtered shade, and as a bonus, they bloom fragrant, powder puff-like golden-yellow flowers. Acacia aneura (Mulga Acacia) is an evergreen that features gray-silvery leaves and seasonal yellow blooms that can add gorgeous color to your landscape. All varieties are also great candidates to block unwanted views in style!


Massive-Olive.pngOlive (Olea europaea):

These picturesque trees can produce the right amount of shade, and their billowing crown and gnarled trunks also make them an excellent candidate for highlighting with nighttime landscape lighting. We custom grow the best quality Olive trees – both fruiting (‘Manzanillo, ‘Mission’) and certified fruitless varieties (‘Wilsonii’)! Our Olive trees are ideal for growing in our area and these easy to grow trees are also drought tolerant and ready to be the perfect addition to your landscape.




live_oak.jpgLive Oak (Quercus viginiana):

Shade, beauty, drought tolerance – you get all that and more with the Live Oak tree. This family favorite is an ideal lawn tree, and it’s evergreen with dense dark green foliage that can provide plenty of shade too! And when planted in rows, they can be used an attractive privacy screen to block unwanted views so you can enjoy a private BBQ, party, or picnic. These natural beauties love full sun exposure and will thrive in your landscape with little to no special care required. For an instant landscape with shade coverage, buy as big as you can!



You Buy It, We Plant It! planting_acacia

Getting your landscape ready for spring is easier than you might think. Get outdoors and enjoy your yard – it’s a win-win for the health of your yard and you! With free professional planting available on all specimen trees, it cannot get any easier to create a beautiful new yard for springtime picnics and family parties!

 Get My Free Winter Watering Guide!

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