Best Desert Trees to Plant this Summer

By Jessica Downs on August, 2 2019
Summer Tips

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Moon Valley Nurseries Trees are Always Ready for Planting

It’s a common misconception that you are not able to plant trees in your yard during the summer. With this Las Vegas heat, it’s a rational assumption to make, but we are here to tell you that it is not true! Moon Valley Nurseries custom-grows all our trees, including our desert trees, to adapt to similar climates that they will be planted in, which means while our competitors might not be excited to plant anything in the summer, we are! 

For those of us who have lived in the desert our entire lives, we know just how beautiful the "natural desert" looks. It thrives with life, color, unique shapes and sizes of different plants and trees that we like to add when designing for desert landscapes. Below are three ideal desert trees that can bring your desert or xeriscape-designed yard to life!

Chilean Mesquite


The Chilean Mesquite is an excellent choice when wanting shade, especially to your desert or native landscape. A Moon Valley Nursery exclusive, our Chilean Mesquite trees have been grown to be thornless, and they are also extremely drought tolerant. With layers of thick foliage and their unique growth pattern, these fast-growing trees add personality to any yard and provide much-needed shade for our Las Vegas area.

Museum Palo Verde

museum palo verde bloom in container

The Museum Palo Verde tree is another perfect tree, especially when it comes to shade due to their significant growth and wide-spreading canopy. This variety is a hybrid of two different, older Palo Verde species, and the result was the best of both worlds! The Museum Palo Verde has a fuller, vibrant yellow flowering display with a brighter green trunk. The best part of our hybrid variety is that it does NOT produce any thorns, making it much cleaner than other Palo Verdes. It is easy to see why they are becoming one of our most popular trees in Southern Nevada.

Mulga Acacia


The Mulga Acacia tree is an evergreen that will add more color than some desert trees but also brings a unique look due to its rod-shaped silver-greyish foliage. In the spring time you will start to notice soft yellow flowers blooming on the branches. Similar to other desert trees, the Acacia is highly drought tolerant. This Acacia variety can grow as a small tree or large bush and prefers full sun, which is perfect for Las Vegas weather conditions.

Learn More from Moon Valley Nurseries

Click here to learn more about how our design consultation process works. In this article, we break down the experience in three simple steps.

Click here to learn more about the best hedges for your privacy. In this article, we cover why hedges are the better option for privacy and which hedges will transform your yard.

Click here to learn more about our Moon Valley Nurseries exclusive trees. We go over some of our custom-grown varieties that are best for the Las Vegas region.

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