Picking the Perfect Tree

By Richard Wright on September, 10 2019
Landscape Tips

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Richard Wright

Does this sound like you when you bought your new home?


“We finished unpacking the house and set up everything the way we want it to be. We had painted the house already inside and out. Now that we finished the inside, it was time to start on the outside. Our yard was looking pretty rough. It was one issue we had upon purchasing the house. Can you help us?”

The story above is something we hear every single day. Doctors, lawyers, and, even the barista at Starbucks need trees for their house. They might want to remodel an existing yard or create the backyard they have always wanted. You can probably relate to this exact scenario. If you are, what is the next step?

How to Pick the Perfect Trees and Plants

You have probably mentally prepared for this visit because you have been researching for weeks! You’ve spent time reading all the articles you can find online about the trees you want in your yard. You have driven all over your neighborhood and talked to your community members, asking every question you can think of about the trees you like that they have.

The next thing you do is drive over to Moon Valley Nurseries. Once you get out of your car, your jaw will drop from the large size and vast amount of trees and plants on the property.

Once you come to the nursery, you will be greeted and helped by one of the nursery professionals who will walk you around the property to see the trees you are interested in for your project. Even when you think you know what you want, it can be overwhelming. Which do you pick? How do you know they are the best option? Keep reading to learn some tips from a Moon Valley Nurseries professional!

5 things to Ask Yourself When Picking Trees

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When you are planning your new yard and choosing trees, think about the five questions below to make sure you pick the best tree for your yard, your situation, and your taste.

Do you want a tree which will be taller first or wider first? 

The trees which will be taller first will probably have a branching structure that goes higher more than wide, while a wider tree will be the opposite, having branches looking wider instead of taller. 

How does the branching structure look?

 Some trees and plant material grow dense from a very young age while others take more time to create a fuller canopy or branch structure.

How does the canopy look?

 The canopy should have a healthy green, or whatever color the leaves are supposed to be. Look for trees with full canopies as well. The fuller canopies usually can be an indicator that the root ball is further developed so that it is pushing out more consistent healthy growth. 

Do I understand the maintenance that this tree will require?

Trees require nutrition and “haircuts” just like people. Be sure you understand the maintenance that goes into the type of trees you are considering. If this is an issue, our nursery pros can help you find better alternatives for you.

Does this tree complete the look I want?

The tree you are looking at, does it finish everything you want? If you want shade for your home, make sure the tree will grow big enough, and the canopy will grow thick enough to create the shade you need. 

If you want to add color, make sure you choose a tree that will bloom in the right seasons. Some trees bloom for a few weeks and some bloom off and on all year!

Moon Valley Nurseries cares about its customers and spends the time to show it in every tree and plant in the nursery. They employ professionals who are well trained and have a deep passion for making sure that you have the perfect trees for your yard, and we make it a point to pick the healthiest trees. Click here to find the location near you.

More from Moon Valley Nurseries

Click here to learn what to expect when you come in for your free consultation.

Click here to learn about our FREE in-store landscape consultations. Our design consultations are as easy as 1-2-3.

Click here to learn more about growing and harvesting fruit trees in Arizona.

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