August Landscape & Garden Tips

By Garrett Cleverly on August, 11 2016
Landscape Tips

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Garrett Cleverly

Garrett Cleverly is versed in all native and non native species of plants, trees, succulents, and cacti that grow throughout the southern region. Garrett has a love for gardening and all things outdoors.


The month of August always get a bad rap. Maybe it's because school is back in session for our children or  maybe it's because we've gone though two summer months and we've finally have had enough! 

We're all looking forward to those cooler days, but before we get there we still need to keep a close eye on our landscape. Our nursery pros have compiled a few tips, tasks, and what to plant for your landscape this month. 

To Do List:
  • Watering: With consistent temperatures over 90 degrees, you will want to water the material on your landscape 3 to 4 times per week. Depending on the tree or shrub, each needs a different water amount. For more information on that click here. And remember to always water deeply to establish deep roots. 
  • Weeds: They will pop up from time to time and it's best to quickly remove them. Moon Valley Nurseries stocks all of the things you will need for your weed prevention plan at our locations. Also, consider adding mulch to areas to reduce the number of sprouting weeds. 
  • Fertilize:  This is a big one right now. With high temperatures, some of the material in our landscapes can show heat stress. If it happens do not worry! A fertilizer can help the tree adjust to the change in weather. Apply Moon Juice to help  heat stressed trees and plants. This will prime roots for fall feeding as temperatures drop. Continue to use Moon Dust and combine that with our easy to use Super Palm Juice, which turns palms green and keep them green.  It contains all the special nutrients palms needs that are not found in our soils. Available now at any of our nurseries
  • Systemic Insecticide: Check plants for pets and disease by paying special attention to new growth. You can protect your trees and plants from insects and fungus with systemic pesticide, which is taken up by the tree or plant and transported throughout the tree. Moon Valley Nurseries carries systemic insecticide at our nursery locations. If there is doubt, bring photos into our nursery for treatment recommendations. 


A fast growing, dense, shade-producing tree that grows to a moderate height, the Camphor Tree looks great in any landscape design where a lush appeal is desired.  This uniquely shaped tree grows well in any soil type and requires very little maintenance.  A solid performer for Houston, this tree is hardy and heat tolerant. Along with its beautiful green bark and fragrant foliage, the Camphor never loses its leaves, which makes this a great choice for the inexperienced or over-worked landscaper. 

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Crape Myrtle 
One of the best choices for beautiful bursts of color in your landscape is the Crape Myrtle. These trees produce exquisite colors in purple, pink, red, and white and look aesthetically pleasing to the eyes when they are planted in cluster on side views or accent location on your yard. These trees bloom early spring all in the way into the fall. 

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Japanese Blueberry
The Japanese Blueberry is a visually appealing evergreen due to its dense, lush foliage and striking leaf color throughout the year which provides a fantastic backdrop for contrasting flowers and shrubs. It thrives in full sun and handle the cold extremely well. It has become one of Houston’s most planted hedge variety and is an excellent choice for just about any landscape. 

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Live Oak
One of the most stunning trees on display, the Live Oak is a great choice for Houston plating because of its adaptability, performance in the hot summer months and its ability to grow in tough soil conditions. Its name is derived from its ability to “live” throughout the winter when other oaks are dormant or leafless. It has a wide canopy of dark green leaves and when planted in rows it can give your landscape a privacy wall or shade barrier that provides immense protection and beauty. 


Red Maple
The "Autumn Blaze" Red Maple is a fast growing, strong shade tree that establishes itself quickly after transplanting. Once established, Red Maple trees are drought - tolerant, and able to be planted in landscape areas with little access to irrigation. The Red Maple's "Autumn Blaze" nickname comes from the shocking bright red color that grows in the fall, and is even more brilliant when planted in Houston and subjected to our constant moisture.

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Shumard Red Oak trees are a popular tree native to the Texas region.  This tree is popular for many reasons;  it is a fast grower, sprouts a large canopy, and grows attractive foliage. This tree benefits all landscapes by working as a privacy hedge, blocking noise from traffic. Most importantly, its foliage changes with the seasons; allowing the sun to add heat to your home in the winter by dropping its leaves and growing its leaves back just in time for the summer blocking out the warm sun and adding cooler temperatures.


Piru Queen Palms
Specially grown at our farms, the Piru Queen Palm is unlike other Queen Palms. Our Piru Queen Palms feature thicker and harder trunks, denser and greener fronds, and produce fuller crowns. Our Queen Palms can handle hot summers, cold winters, and windy days. The palm is supported by a narrow trunk which makes it ideal in tight spaces around your pool, but it does require overhead space as the palm grows to statuesque heights. 


Diamond Cut Date Palms
The ultimate palm for your pool, the Date Palms are usually found at most resorts and shopping centers. Around pools the Date Palm provides excellent shade due to its wide fronds and it has practically no litter. The Date Palm looks great when planted in clusters of 3 to 5 palms and is hardy to cold, heat and drought tolerant.

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Mediterranean Palm
Compact size and ability to thrive in the hot summer months and survive the cool winters has made the Mediterranean Fan Palm a popular choice for tropical landscapes. Commonly used as a stand-alone focal point around pools, the Mediterranean Fan Palm sprouts multiple trunks and is slow growing. The require minimal pruning and can be drought tolerant. As a bonus, they look great in containers. 


Windmill Palm
A narrow and vertical palm, the Windmill Palm is one of the most durable palms known. It thrives in intensely hot locations, requires minimal water and can handle periods of freezing weather with little or no damage. Commonly used as a stand alone or focal point, the Windmill Palm makes excellent accents to larger palms. 
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