Cold Hardy Palms We Can Grow in Houston

By Felipe Benavides on March, 29 2018
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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.


Palm trees are a landscaping favorite throughout the Houston area. Their graceful, arching habit makes them the perfect choice for those that enjoy a tropical look in our yard. Palm trees thrive in tropical and sub-tropical areas, and not all varieties develop roots that are cold hardy enough to survive a freeze. Luckily, we can enjoy the look of palm trees here in Houston thanks to cold hardy palms.

Cold hardy palms can thrive in the Houston area and bring the essence of the tropics to our landscape. We have been growing the highest quality palm trees from our stock of prized specimen trees. No one in the world has developed stronger, hardier, and more disease-resistant palms than the ones available at Big Tex Tree Nurseries.

Cold Hardy Palms for Houston

These are our top cold hardy palms for the Houston area. Visit your nearest Big Tex Tree Nurseries location and allow our nursery pros to help you select the perfect palm for your property.


Windmill Palm

Windmill Palm

(Trachycarpus fortunei)

These are small to medium-sized palms that can bring a tropical appeal to any landscape. As a bonus, they are also very cold hardy palms! These palms have a neat, small-scale size that makes them an excellent choice for a wide range of landscapes. We like to plant then near small patios, narrow spaces, gardens, side yards, near swimming pools, or as a standalone specimen. The calming nature of a Windmill Palm can help transform your yard into a resort-style property.

Mediterranean Fan Palm

Mediterranean Fan Palm

(Chamaerops humilis)

This is the hardiest of all palms! They have an attractive, compact crown of blue-green fan-shaped foliage, and grow slow enough so that they rarely outgrow their space. They are the perfect choice as a focal point in a tropical garden and can bring the wow factor when lit up with night lighting. There are many great ways to use these palms in a landscape. We like to plant them poolside, use them as a windbreak, and they can create a privacy screen, too. They can handle frost conditions, so they are ideal for growing in the Houston area!

Pindo Palm


Pindo Palm

(Butia capitate)

This cold hardy palm selection is an attractive low-growing palm that can withstand our chilly winters. They feature a stout, thick trunk with distinctive silver-green arching fronds spraying from the top. They are an excellent choice for growing in containers, so feel free to pot them up and place them on a deck, patio, and anywhere you want to create a relaxing environment. We also like to plant them poolside, in a rock garden, or as a standalone specimen.

Date Palms

Date Palms

(Phoenix dactylifera)

Yes! We can grow these beautiful resort-style palms in Houston and create an elegant and relaxing atmosphere in our yard. These luxurious palms are very cold hardy and can handle the heat, too. We like to plant them in groups or rows and enjoy the shade that the wide fronds can create. These are very clean palms, and we have them available with diamond-cut trunks that can create a lasting impression wherever they are planted. Specimen sized trees can bring the upscale resort-style look to your landscape, so plant them poolside and enjoy the view!

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