By Felipe Benavides on February, 23 2018

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.


The sight of flowering trees in a yard can brighten up any neighborhood and add plenty of curb appeal along the way. Flowering trees can give height and scale to your landscape, and have the bonus of blooms, many of which have a magical fragrance that can fill the air with a sweet aroma. Take a moment to enjoy your surroundings – spring is here!

You can create an explosion of colors by mixing several bloomers. Spring is also the time when our yards are brimming with the beautiful sight of hummingbirds and butterflies cavorting in the garden. Below is a flowering trees list that can add a firework show of early spring colors to your yard! Visit your nearest Moon Valley Nurseries location and see these popular flowering trees for yourself!


Eastern Redbud


(Cercis canadensis)

A Redbud tree in bloom is unforgettable. Long-lasting blooms of rosy-pink flowers arrive in early spring, putting on a show for weeks! Plus, they can begin flowering at a young age. Their horizontal branching pattern adds architectural interest, and their modest size makes them ideal as understory trees. Plant them in groupings to create a stunning landscape scene! Perfect trees for smaller yards! 

Forest Pansy Redbud


(Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’)

This early spring bloomer produces rosy-pink flowers that can add a splash of color to any size landscape. In fact, it is deciduous, and when the flowers appear, they can bridge the gap between winter and spring. They are valued for offering four seasons of change; vibrant scarlet-purple color to new foliage, which matures to a stunning maroon. Their small stature makes them a perfect fit for both small gardens or larger estates. 

Teddy Bear Magnolia


(Magnolia grandiflora ‘Southern Charm’)

These dwarf Southern Magnolias are ideal for smaller yards, and we like to plant them along low walls and fences to create an evergreen privacy hedge. People always fall in love with the large, creamy white fragrant flowers that can dot the tree from spring to fall. Adding curb appeal and privacy is a breeze with the easy to grow and establish Teddy Bear Magnolia!

Samuel Sommer Magnolia


(Magnolia grandiflora ‘Samuel Sommer’)

These evergreens are the legendary “Southern Belles,” and can produce large, fragrant white flowers from spring to fall! They also have big, glossy, dark green leaves and can provide an attractive shade cover all year long! We also like to plant them side by side for use as a privacy screen or windbreak. 

Stone Fruit Trees

Stone fruit trees can produce some of the loveliest flower bouquets and are excellent landscape trees for privacy screens or for merely adding beauty to any size yard. Moon Valley Nurseries sells low-chill variety stone fruit trees that have good fruit production in our climate. Below are some of our recommended stone fruit trees for our area.

Gold Variety Peach flowers


These peach trees love to grow in the Houston area! They can bloom showy, light pink flower bouquets before bearing mouth-watering, juicy fruit! In addition to the tasty fruit and their beautiful flowers, we also like to use them to create a screen that can block unwanted views.

Nectarine Trees flowers


These easy to grow trees can bloom a beautiful bouquet of light pink flowers, creating a lovely backyard scene. Nectarine trees are small deciduous trees that are ideally suited for growing in a small space. Look for Desert Delight and Desert Dawn nectarines – the best varieties for our area. 

Apricot flowers


When the flowers bloom, they can cover the tree in pleasantly scented showy white flowers, beautifying any size yard. Apricot trees can bloom early in the season. The best, most reliable varieties in our area include Gold Kist, Katy, and Royal (Blenheim). 

Apple Trees flowers


When they start flowering in spring, these trees can produce beautiful white flowers. These are attractive landscape trees with the bonus of providing sweet and crispy apples. Planting them in an orchard setting is an excellent way to add color and shade to your landscape. We sell ‘Anna,’ an apple tree that adapts well to Houston. 


Moon Valley Nurseries make it easy to add vibrant color and value to your yard. We not only offer custom-grown trees, but we also guarantee every tree we plant for you. To make things even better, we provide free professional planting on all specimen sized trees!

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