The 5 Best Purple Flowering Trees for Texas

By Garrett Cleverly on March, 2 2017
Landscape Tips Tree Highlights Flowering Trees

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Garrett Cleverly

Garrett Cleverly is versed in all native and non native species of plants, trees, succulents, and cacti that grow throughout the southern region. Garrett has a love for gardening and all things outdoors.

The Best Purple Flowering Trees

Flowering trees are one of the best signs that the spring season is here. Fortunately for us, our climate allows us to plant a wide range of flowering trees from all over the United States and the world that produce purple, white, yellow, red, and pink flowers not just in the spring but in the summer as well.

Best trees for red flowers | Best trees for white flowers | Best trees for yellow flowers 

As part of an ongoing series, our nursery professionals will be identifying the best flowering trees for a specific color. This week we are looking at the best flowering trees that produce beautiful purple blooms. Check back next week for flowering trees with white blooms!

Crape Myrtle with Purple Flowers

Crape Myrtle

The Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) is our favorite and it is the #1 selling flowering tree at Moon Valley Nurseries due to its ability to offer something for every season. The spring season is when this tree really shines with its large clusters of flowers (think football size) that cover this entire tree. The blooms are long and can last until late summer. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we offer this tree as a single-trunk or multi-trunk. In addition, the Crape Myrtle trees grown at Moon Valley Nurseries are superior thanks to mildew resistance, which you will not find anywhere else. Back to the "something for every season", the Crape Myrtle can also be used as a shade tree in the summer and in the fall the foliage turns a showy bright orange.


Jacaranda Tree with Purple Flowers


When it comes to a combination of eye-catching flowers and a stunning shade tree, look no further than the Jacaranda (mimosifolia). These trees originate from Brazil and are admired for their beautiful and vibrant purple blooms in mid to late spring. The Jacaranda trees we offer at Moon Valley Nurseries are fast-growing allowing many homeowners to plant these in areas where shade is desired. The growth pattern is upright and layered giving it a “light” look in your landscape while also providing much-needed shade where it is desired. The flowers come in large clusters of showy-tubular purple flowers that dot the tree all over. Though soft in appearance, the Jacaranda is both cold and hot hardy and in time will become drought tolerant once established.


Vitex Tree with Purple Flowers


This stunning multi-trunk tree is a favorite for its unique purple blooms on long spikes that form at every growth tip during the late spring and into the summer. The flowering spikes on the Vitex (agnus-castus) are a favorite for our pollinating friends like hummingbirds and butterflies. In addition to the stunning flowers, the trunk of the tree is always overlooked which is unfortunate because the twisted and tangled growth pattern gives this tree a statuesque appearance in any landscape. This tree loves the full sun and in the winter the leaves turn a golden yellow color.



Orchid Tree with Purple Flowers


Orchid trees (Bauhinia spp.) are a favorite for the Houston climate and are absolutely amazing trees. Large hand-sized flowers and rounded light green two-lobed leaves gives this tree such a unique look in any landscape. Originating from Asia, the Orchid produces massive blooms of flowers in the spring and in mature trees in the fall. These trees can also be planted for shade use and they perform great all year long. 

Orchids work wonderfully in the Houston region, for Dallas or Austin, the Vitex or Crape Myrtles are a comparable choice that is better suited for the region. 


Texas Mountain Laurel with Purple Flowers

Texas Mountain Laurel

Perhaps the most unique tree on the list, the Texas Mountain Laurel (Sophora secundiflora) represents everything you want in a flowering tree. Beautiful and long-lasting blooms that produce a wonderful aroma, which is what makes it so unique. In the spring, the Texas Mountain laurel produces large clusters of flowers that have a strong aroma to them. Similar to grape juice or juicy fruit gum. And yes, we are serious! That is what it smells like. These trees require minimal maintenance and pruning and they never lose their leaves. They are slow growing and are best when planted in accent locations. 


Now that you know the five best purple flowering trees for our region, be sure to check back next week to see the best trees for white flowers. If you have any questions on any of the trees, submit a comment below or be sure to speak to any of our nursery pros at any of our locations, which you can map right here! Hope to see you soon.


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