Top 5 Selling Trees In Houston

By Garrett Cleverly on June, 30 2016

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Garrett Cleverly

Garrett Cleverly is versed in all native and non native species of plants, trees, succulents, and cacti that grow throughout the southern region. Garrett has a love for gardening and all things outdoors.


We’re still knee-deep in the middle of the summer season, and it seems literally impossible to think that cooler days are approaching...even if that is a slow approach. The heat is a pain, however escaping the heat and humidity is actually pretty easy. Just run into your house, store, work, or any place that is pumping AC. 

But what if you’re outside? This is why great shade trees can make a massive difference. Our customers are always asking us what the most popular trees to plant during the summer to escape the heat and our nursery pros always recommend these trees below. Not only are they great at providing shade, but some provide fantastic blooms during the summer with amazing fall colors.

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Crape Myrtle
For adding stunning, vibrant colors to your landscape, Crape Myrtles are one of the absolute best choices to grow in this area. With blooms that can last from late spring, through the entire summer and with a wide variety of colors available, Crape Myrtles have been a long time favorite in many landscape styles. Crape Myrtles, also known as Southern Lilacs, are considered to be one of the most beautiful trees in the West and for many good reasons. They constantly bloom throughout the summer months and have changed a bright, showy orange in the fall. 


Magnolia D.D. Blanchard 
D.D. Blanchard Magnolia, (Magnolia grandiflora 'D.D. Blanchard'), are perfectly suited for a cottage garden or any type of Southwestern landscape. This grafted variety features striking, extremely dark leaves that contrast nicely with the attractive, orange-toned brown undersides. This variety can grow to be a medium to large sized tree with a canopy spread that can provide a generous amount of shade. The famed Magnolia flowers are large, fragrant, showy white, and sure to impress in both beauty and aroma. It thrives in full sun environments and has a moderate growth rate.


Tipuana Tipu
The ultimate summer tree, the Tipu can literally handle and thrive in almost any climate (maybe except for Antartica!) These trees are incredibly tough, they grow very quickly providing a massive shade canopy, and bloom beautiful golf ball sized flowers in the summer. Its unique umbrella canopy provides immense amounts of shade that will allow you and your family to enjoy your back yard on most summer days. It has a gorgeous Apricot colored bloom throughout spring and summer and provides an incredibly unique leaf structure.


Palo Verde
If you're looking for the "WOW" factor look no further than the Museum Palo Verde. It’s spreading, open canopy of shade is supported by blue-green, sculpture like trunks that provide a stark contrast to just about any landscape. In the spring, breathtaking yellow flowers emerge and cover the entire tree. The Museum Palo Verde’s layered shade makes the tree look light in your yard while providing very cooling shade for your home.

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Live Oak
One of the most stunning trees on display, the Live Oak is a great choice for Houston plating because of its adaptability, performance in the hot summer months and its ability to grow in tough soil conditions. Its name is derived from its ability to “live” throughout the winter when other oaks are dormant or leafless. It has a wide canopy of dark green leaves and when planted in rows it can give your landscape a privacy wall or shade barrier that provides immense protection and beauty.
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