White Flowering Trees for Texas

By Felipe Benavides on April, 27 2018
Landscape Tips Tree Highlights Flowering Trees

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.

white flowering trees at nursery farm

White flowering trees can beautify Houston neighborhoods. They can also increase the value of your home. Great news! This is the best time for planting the trees that can bloom white flowers in our area. The longer days of sunshine are calling us to spend more time outdoors. We love that these blooming trees can provide a beautiful spot for a picnic or perfect photo opportunities.


If you are looking for an elegant tree, white flowering trees are incomparable to others. A landscape full of bright white can make us feel better, too. Spring is here, so let’s go outside and experience these eye-catching flowers!


Keep Your Eyes Open for these Beautiful

White Flowering Trees

The warmer weather is starting to roll around, so let’s go outside and keep an eye out for these stunning specimens. These flowering trees are starting to show their true colors with brilliant blooms. In addition to their colorful display, these gorgeous trees can also create a bit of shade and block out unwanted views. These pretty Texas trees can transform the look of any landscape!




white Magnolia flower on tree

The large and beautiful white flowers of Magnolia trees are synonymous with the South. Little Gem Magnolias are small trees able to produce flowers for up to six months! We like to use them as a stunning addition to yards with minimal space. Those looking for larger varieties will want to keep an eye out for D.D. Blanchard Magnolias. These larger varieties are an excellent centerpiece for yards. A large Magnolia tree can create shade, making them a welcome addition to yards throughout Houston. Enjoy the sweetly fragrant white flowers from early spring to fall!

You can check out our selection of Magnolia Trees for sale here!


Check out this video to learn more about majestic Magnolias!



Natchez Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle white blooms in front yard

This deciduous tree provides interest all year long. Since we are on the topic of white flowers, we should mention that the Natchez variety is bred to give stunning clusters of white flowers for months! Once the weather warms up, you will love the sight of the massive display of white flowers popping against the deep greenery foliage. Plant a few along a property line, and they can create a beautiful privacy screen so that you can enjoy your yard in private. They love full sun and can tolerate urban pollution, too. Its smooth, dark, cinnamon brown, exfoliating bark is an added attraction of these ornamental trees!

Shop Natchez White Crape Myrtle trees for sale here!


Check out this video for more information on Crape Myrtles!



Chinese Fringe Tree

Chinese Fringe tree with white flowers

One of the most desirable features of this cultivar is its fragrant, fringe-like white flowers. The clusters of magnificent flowers create an eye-catching scene backed against the soft green foliage.  They are smaller trees and an excellent choice for spatially challenged yards. They can also provide filtered shade so that we can enjoy our outdoor living space in comfort. Plant them next to dark evergreen trees and watch as the showy white bloom creates a stunning contrast.

See Chinese Fringe trees for sale here!




Bradford Pear

White flowering pear blossoms

This deciduous tree can paint the landscape with a profusion of white blossoms! Flowering Pear trees grow to be about 30 feet tall and have an appealing upright and symmetrical shape making them great for shade and curb appeal! These are charming trees that can light up neighborhoods in a sea of white flowers. Besides the white blooms, they put on a show in the fall when the glossy, dark green leaves turn to a rich, purple-like red color. This is a great tree for all seasons!

Shop for Bradford Flowering Pear trees for sale here!



Discover more about the fantastic Flowering Pear Tree in this video!




White Oleander Flowers

When in bloom, Oleander can transform Houston landscapes into a sea of white. These are attractive in hedge and tree form! They are the perfect size for smaller gardens, and when used as a hedge, they can create a beautiful privacy screen. We can use them in a variety of garden settings, and they are a great way to add color to urban gardens. Plant them along a driveway or walkway, and you’ll be rewarded with the sight of beautiful white flowers. What a great way to end your day!

You can find a selection of Oleander trees and hedges for sale here!



You can learn more about the different styles and varieties of Oleander in the video below!


White flowers inspire feelings of calm and tranquility. Plant any of these white flowering trees in your landscape and enjoy the view throughout the year. These incredible trees thrive in a variety of hardiness zones, and all of our trees and plants are grown in our local climate and soil to ensure smooth transplant to your yard and beautiful trees for years to come!

Trees can make your life better. Reach out to one of our professional landscape designs today or stop by your local Moon Valley Nurseries location to start enjoying the elegant beauty that white flowering trees provide! 


To learn more incredible yard care advice, design tips, and tree knowledge, check out our library of articles! We have a massive catalog of entertaining and informative articles written by our experienced nursery professionals to help you succeed with all of your landscaping goals.  


This blog post was updated by Luke Kalawsky on March 12th, 2022

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