Top Benefits Of Planting Trees

By Felipe Benavides on April, 19 2018
Landscape Tips

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Felipe Benavides

Felipe has been working in the Nursery and Garden center for many years and bring extensive knowledge to trees, plants, and landscape design.

Earth-day-txIt’s Earth Day, Houston! Time to celebrate. One of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day is to plant more trees. Trees can change our lives and contribute to a healthier planet. We make it easy to celebrate this day by growing, selling, and planting the best trees on Earth! Give our world a helping hand and celebrate Earth Day every day!


Plant More Trees in Texas to Help Our Environment


Together we can make a difference. When we plant more trees, we help the environment. Trees are the lungs of our planet. They create the air we breathe and help to filter air pollution. We can promote a greener environment by planting trees. We should plant more of them so that they can help improve our quality of life! Can you imagine a world without trees? Below are a few reasons why we need trees.

  • They improve air quality
  • They produce oxygen
  • They take in carbon dioxide
  • They trap dust, pollen, and other pollutants
  • Trees can moderate the effects of the sun and wind
  • A tree can help reduce energy use in the home
  • They can increase property value
  • Trees can help reduce flash flooding
  • Trees are an important part of good health. They have been found to decrease stress and increase healing in patients
  • Trees can create a picturesque shade area



We Can Do The Work!

We celebrate Earth Day every day. You can find our crew planting the best trees on earth throughout the Houston area! We custom-grow them so that they can thrive in our local climate. Keep Houston green and beautiful, plant more trees!

cedar-elm-4Cedar Elm: This tree is both a shade tree and an ornamental tree. Its spreading canopy can block the sun while adding plenty of visual interest and beauty to all kinds of landscapes. Their lustrous dark green leaves are beautiful to look at, and in late summer-early fall, it can bloom clusters of light-green blossoms. They can survive in difficult soil types, so they are ideal for the Houston area!





tipu tree (2)Tipu: Are you searching for a colorful shade tree? Your search ends here! These fast-growing trees can provide plenty of shade, too. People throughout the area enjoy their feathery, bright bluish-green foliage and fissured bark texture, which adds to its striking good looks. A coat of golden blooms appears in spring, creating a view that is sure to attract all the right attention.





live_oak_logo-2Live Oak: Humans and small wildlife love Live Oak trees. This is the iconic tree of the South that can live for hundreds of years. If you want shade, the spreading canopy can block sunlight and create a comfortable spot in your yard.  Homeowners are glad because they can adapt to almost any type of soil and they offer superior wind resistance. These are excellent street trees for the Houston area!





shumard_oak_Shumard Oak: These are long-lived trees that can add beautiful fall color. We also love to plant them as a shade tree with a spreading canopy that can block sunlight. They tolerate pollution, so we like to plant them to help clean the air in an urban area. The small acorns from this tree are a favorite food source of deer, squirrels, and several bird species, too!





DD_Blanchard_SOUTHERN_MAGNOLIA_1335_650x650 (1)D.D. Blanchard Magnolia: These are a favorite tree for landscapes throughout the Houston area. They feature attractive dark green leaves, and people love their large fragrant flowers. These are showy trees that are sure to attract all the right attention. Homeowners looking for a beautiful shade tree will fall in love with the D.D. Blanchard Magnolia. Excellent street tree and lawn specimen.

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