What Type of Spring Flowers Should I Buy for the Upcoming Season?

By Lindsey Paramore on June, 2 2018

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Lindsey Paramore

While plenty of foliage stays green during the Southern and Southwestern winter, you can brighten up your yard even more by planting spring flowers. Here are some popular spring-blooming flowers to consider.

  • Rhododendron: The rhododendron’s glossy leaves and late-spring blooms make it a popular choice in hardiness zones 5 through 8. While most varieties prefer environments that are neither too hot nor too cold, some can take a bit more heat. Both evergreen and deciduous options are available, so read the description carefully to know what you’re getting.
  • Pansy: Hardy in zones 4 through 8, pansies come in tremendous color varieties from white to nearly black and everything in between. Technically, they are short-lived perennials, but many gardeners treat them as annuals to add color to early-spring flowerbeds and window boxes.
  • Bloodroot: This herbaceous spring perennial thrives in a wide range of environments, capable of growing in zones 3 through 9. They make an appearance as early as March, with captivating white flowers that last until late spring.
  • Forsythia: This spring-blooming flower is hardy from zones 5 through 9. The bright yellow blossoms of this flower are a sure sign that spring has arrived! The plant needs at least six hours of full sun to produce the most vigorous blooms. It tolerates most soil conditions and is drought-resistant once established.
  • Grecian Windflower: Able to grow in zones 4 through 10, the daisy-like blooms of this hardy plant grow so profusely that they all but hide the ferny foliage beneath. Find flowers in a wide range of hues, including blue, pink, white, and bi-color.
  • Trout lily: Different varieties of trout lily can grow in zones 3 through 8. They are smaller than other lilies, but their early spring blooms make up for this. Trout lilies grow wild across much of the country, so keep an eye out for their yellow, nodding flowers, even if you don’t include them in your garden.
  • Weigela: This deciduous shrub grows in zones 4 through 8. The pink, trumpet-shaped flowers bring a cheerful feeling to your yard every spring and re-bloom in the summer and fall. More flowers appear if the plant receives plenty of sunlight, so choose a location carefully.
  • Fritillaria: This tropical-looking plant grows in zones 4 through 8. The unique, bell-shaped blooms aren’t appealing to rodents, which is good news for maintaining a beautiful landscape. While technically a perennial, fritillaria don’t return reliably, so you may want to treat it as an annual.
  • Dutchman’s Breeches: A variety of the bleeding heart, this plant is hardy in zones 3 through 9. The pink or white blossoms resemble an upside-down pair of pants, which is where they got their unique name. As with bleeding hearts, the flowers grow in clusters of 10 or more on a single stem.
  • Puschkinia: This plant is hardy in zones 3 through 9, with delicate blue and white flowers serving as a welcome addition to any spring garden. Take a closer look at the blossoms, and you’ll notice a stripe of darker blue running down the center. For this reason, puschkinia is also known as striped squill.
  • Claytonia: These flowers thrive best when planted in full sun to part shade in zones 6 through 9. Not only are the spring blooms a beauty to behold, but they are also edible. Even the foliage, known as miner’s lettuce, can be eaten like salad greens.

There are other ways to add blossoms to your yard besides having a flower garden. Consider a flowering tree for your home in the Southern or Southwestern United States, such as a magnolia, myrtle, or plumeria tree. All fruit trees also produce spring flowers, and many shrubs and succulents do as well.

Let Moon Valley Nurseries help you select everything you need to create a stunning landscape. We even offer landscape design services if you’re not sure where to begin. Purchase plants and trees from us and plant them yourself, or schedule professional delivery and planting services for optimal convenience and guaranteed results. We consider everything from HOA standards to community-specific weather trends, ensuring a successful planting day.

To speak with a nursery professional about choosing spring-flowering plants for your yard, please contact us online or visit one of our locations in Arizona, California, Nevada, Texas, or Florida.


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