Oleander Spotlight

By Kyle Shipp on July, 19 2019

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Oleanders are the resilient hedge that you can plant. We have multiple different types of oleanders from hedges, shrubs, and trees! These make for great plants to use as a hedge for privacy, a filler to soften up a section of the yard, or if you need a medium-sized bright flower tree. Learn more about why our Nursery Pro loves Oleander and how you can enjoy these plants in your yard.

Oleanders are amazing for hedges if you go around town some of the prettiest hedges your going to find are Oleanders with their pink, their red and their white blooms. They are just hardy; they are so drought tolerant. I mean people literally wean them off water within a year and they continue to be bullet proof it’s an amazing plant. You can’t think Phoenix Arizona and hedges and not think about Oleanders.

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