Should You Plant a Hedge in Your Yard?

By Jessica Downs on September, 19 2019

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Three Benefits of a Hedged Landscape

ficus columns hedge rowThere are many great reasons to plant hedges in your yard. Many varieties grow tall, which adds privacy between your home and busy streets or neighbors that might be just a few feet away.

Some varieties are great to plant to reduce nearby noise due to how dense the hedges grow and intertwine into each other. The density that hedges offer work great as wind and sound barriers as well, which protects your home from harsh weather.


1.      Privacy Creation

Nobody wants to feel like they are being watched in their own home. Privacy creation might be crucial if your neighbor’s front door is right next to your front window or if your neighbors two-story home has windows that could easily see your entire property.

Without nosy neighbors and prying eyes, you can fully enjoy your outdoor space just as much as your indoor space. Hedges can also help block unwanted views around your home such as streets or passing cars.

Ficus Indian Laurel Columns

The Ficus Indian Laurel tree has lush, dense foliage and sturdy branches that can be pruned into almost any shape. Once established, these evergreen Ficus columns become very waterwise and can even thrive in full sun. Ficus trees are fast-growing, which means they will give you privacy quickly as they grow taller and thicker to create the perfect Hollywood-style hedge.

Japanese blueberry at moon valley nurseries

2.      Noise Reduction

Trees and plants are great ways to help reduce noise in your home from the surrounding areas. As a homeowner, you know that you can only control so much around you, but most things, such as how loud your neighbors are or how close a school is,  is out of your hands! This is where a hedge can help! Plant a hedge wall with a tall-growing hedge with dense foliage.

Japanese Blueberry

The Japanese Blueberry tree is a visually appealing evergreen with thick, lush foliage and a striking leaf color that lasts all year. It thrives in full sun and can handle the cold extremely well, which makes it stay green and healthy through every season.

carolina cherry hedge row

3.      Weather Protection

Hedges can accomplish many things like adding privacy, reducing noise, and looking much better than any fence ever could. An awesome perk to planting hedges in your yard is the extra protection your home will have from natural elements. Once established with a secure root system, a hedge fence will be strong against harsh winds.

This can keep debris from getting into your yard and protecting your home, windows, and cars from getting damaged, depending on how you design your hedges. Large hedges are also great for adding shade and keeping your home cooler during the day.

Carolina Cherry

The Carolina Cherry has a natural upright cone-like shape and can handle routine trimming to fit a formal look while also looking great when grown out naturally. The dense foliage and high growth potential make the Carolina Cherry a perfect hedge to block out harsh weather. Once established, this evergreen hedge is low maintenance and drought-tolerant.

Start Designing Hedges Today

Schedule a Design Consult Here

The first step to creating the perfect hedge for your yard is to come into Moon Valley Nurseries and check out the best hedge material grown locally to create your ideal privacy barrier.

We custom grow nearly all our trees and hedge material in farms across the Southwest to create durable material that can thrive in multiple regions. Our custom-growing process allows us to create trees with higher standards and make sure our customers are investing in the best trees for their projects.

Our nursery professionals know how to help you choose the perfect hedge for any location. At Moon Valley Nurseries, with over 25 years of growing experience, we have cloned the perfect Hollywood-style hedges and have been planting them across the Southwest for decades.

Want to learn more about Hedges and Design?

Click here to find out the 10 most-asked questions on the internet about hedges.

Click here to learn about more trees and plants for your hedge design.

Click here to get design ideas that will instantly upgrade your yard.



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