The Moon Valley Planting Crew Goes the Extra Mile

By Jessica Downs on June, 21 2019

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Our Planting Crew Goes the Extra Mile for Every Landscape Job

At Moon Valley Nurseries, our goal is to make your experience as simple as it can be from the very beginning to the very end. Unlike any other company out there, we offer services from start to finish and that includes delivery AND planting.

We make sure that we have the most skilled and experienced planting crew that work for and are trained by Moon Valley. We know our hard work and dedication pays off when we hear stories like these from our customers over the years.

This customer experience happened just a little over a year ago that showcases our crew going over the top to make sure we accomplished the homeowner's wishes.

Free Planting-3

Designer: I had sold the customer trees but we needed to crane 12 of our massive 18' tall Indian Laurels trees to the top of this steep and treacherous slope to block out some solar panels the next-door neighbor had just installed. The planting area was well over 180' away from where the crane could set up, however, the largest crane that could fit up his narrow driveway allowed for only 120' reach at max. All 12 trees were craned up the slope as far as the crane could reach and dropped in a loading area our Foreman, Brad Toner, and his guys had leveled out as a temporary holding area. From there, Brad had his guys manually lift, roll and shift each individual tree another 60' away into their final planting locations which took an additional 2 days to complete. Without the sheer determination of Brad Toner and the brute strength of the guys on his installation crew, that job would not have been able to be completed by anyone else. When the dust had settled, and the homeowner could no longer see the solar panels, he was beyond ecstatic and was completely floored by the amount of effort put forth by our planting crew. He was so impressed by the size of our material and capabilities that he came back to me a few months later and came back to purchase even more landscape material! 

Some projects come to us that are extremely meaningful to a homeowner or family. We were able to help a family going through a hard time with the perfect Olive tree dedicated to their late mother.  


Designer: In the summer of 2017, I had two sisters come in looking for an Olive Tree for their elderly mother's house. They explained to me that they were looking to remodel their mother's landscape so that she could enjoy it in her later years while also acknowledging that they planned to rent the property out in the future after she had passed away. After scouring my entire 2-mile-long nursery, I was able to find them the most gorgeous multi-trunk Olive Tree for the front yard of the property. The sisters and I tagged the tree and we set the installation date for the first day of fall with the idea to let the heat of summer pass us by before planting. However, one week before the scheduled installation date I received a call from one of the sisters informing me that their mother's health had taken a rather sudden turn for the worse and she was hospitalized. Unfortunately, the mother's condition only worsened further, and I was informed that she had expired the night before the installation. Obviously distraught, the sisters both agreed to postpone the installation until their mother's affairs were put in order. Ultimately, we decided on a new installation date of October 31 to install the tree because Halloween was their mother's favorite holiday. As we craned the tree in, a small group of family and friends recited a prayer, and each placed a small piece of remembrance of the mother into a small metallic box that was then placed in the hole and covered by the new Olive Tree. It was a solemn experience by all that were there that day.

Ready to schedule a design consultation and get your new yard planted now?

Click here to get started!


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