Trees That are Known to Flower

By Lindsey Paramore on January, 16 2020

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Lindsey Paramore

If you want to add impact to your home’s landscaping, there’s nothing quite like a flowering tree. A tree that flowers can provide shade that comes with eye-catching color that makes a big impact on your yard. Better still, you can find flowering trees in a wide range of colors to complement your landscaping and fit your aesthetic sensibilities.

  • A white flowering tree can lend a cool, clean beauty to your yard. Flowering Pear, Magnolia, Japanese Privet, Oleander, and Crape Myrtle are all great examples of beautiful flowering trees. While Bradford Pears have given pear trees a bad name because of their tendency to split and fall, there are other varieties of flowering pear that produce not only white flowers but also gorgeous foliage throughout the year. Japanese Privet is a great shade tree, and the classic beauty of fragrant Magnolia blossoms is breathtaking. Oleander is wonderfully fragrant and makes a good privacy hedge, and Crape Myrtle is stunning in white but equally amazing in other colors.
  • Purple flowering trees come in a beautiful range of shades. Crape Myrtles pop up again in the purple category, and they also come in shades of pink and red. Some Magnolias come in purple hues, as well, and Jacaranda trees are popular because of their appealing purple blooms and feathery foliage. The Texas Mountain Laurel produces blossoms that are as fragrant as they are colorful.
  • For a bold and beautiful look, you can’t go wrong with a red flowering tree. The Redbud has flowers that are pink, purple, and red, and it’s one of the earliest blooming trees in spring. When you’re thinking of red flowers, Oleander and Crape Myrtle are two names that pop back up again, because their red blossoms are even more striking than the white ones.
  • Yellow flowering trees impart a cheery feeling to your yard. The Golden Raintree is a wonderful shade tree with showy, fragrant, yellow flowers. The Tipu, another one of the best shade trees around, is a drought-tolerant evergreen with apricot-yellow blooms. The Sweet Acacia is another drought-tolerant choice, and its flowers are charming, fragrant, golden-yellow puffballs. If you’re looking to add instant curb appeal, you can’t go wrong with the bright yellow blossoms on the Palo Brea.

When you’re ready to add some flowering trees to your landscape. head to Moon Valley Nurseries, where our tree experts can help you find just the right tree for your property. Moon Valley Nurseries started as a small neighborhood nursery, and now has locations all across the West. We deliver and plant anything in our massive inventory, and because we grow our plants ourselves, we can give our customers the lowest prices in town, guaranteed. Whether you need a tree or two or an entire landscape, our friendly staff members will go the extra mile to make you happy. Contact us through our website, call us at (602) 388-1529, or stop by to check out all we have to offer, from the best trees and plants to professional crews and planters to certified designers ready to make your yard the best in the neighborhood.

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