Whether you’re a buyer or seller, the first impression of your home can make or break a deal, and it is quite often a home’s landscaping is overlooked, underdone, and unmaintained. A well-thought-out and properly maintained landscape can add thousands of dollars to the value of your property.
Research indicates that a professional looking landscape can add up to 15% to the value of a home. That’s up to a $45,000 value increase on a $300,000 home! Our nursery pros have laid out some important landscaping factors that can positively impact the value of your property.
We often see landscapes that were planted without a solid design plan in place, resulting in a disorganized yard that lacks purpose. Before you start planting, consider the style of your home. Would it look best with a water-wise, tropical, Mediterranean, modern, or desert theme? These are important questions that determine what style will compliment your home best in order to increase the value of your home. Consider speaking to one of our nursery design professionals or check out our blog for more landscape inspiration.
A quick and easy way to add instant curb appeal is by planting larger, mature trees that can give your property an inviting, “lived-in” feel. Large trees such as Chinese Elms, Majestic Ash, and Date Palms add instant curb appeal and can really make your landscape stand out.
Planting trees and shrubs in ideal spots can really make or break your landscape. The last thing you want to do is to plant a tree or shrub that is too big for an area or one that is too small for an area. Remember to plant shade trees on an eastern or western exposure, which will help shade the home during the summertime, and can lead to a reduction in utility bills. Before you plant, be sure to talk to a nursery pro about your landscape goals. They can help you pick out the right varieties of trees and shrubs for your yard.
Seasonal and year-round color is a fantastic way to truly set your landscape apart in the neighborhood. We are fortunate enough to live in a climate that allows us to plant a wide range of trees, shrubs, and seasonal flowers that produce beautiful spring blooms and striking fall color. Flowering trees for great color include the Jacaranda, Bottlebrush, Tipu, and Crape Myrtle which look fantastic in spring, and through the summer months, as well. If you’re looking for fall color, consider deciduous trees, such as, the Arizona Ash, which has beautiful yellow leaves in the fall, or the Raywood Ash, which has rich burgundy leaves. For more colorful options, check out our flowering trees and flowering shrubs.
Seasons change, and the look and feel of your landscape follow suit. Landscapes that feature numerous deciduous trees may give off a dull or uninviting appearance during the winter. Evergreens such as the Live Oak, Brazilian Pepper, and Magnolia are a great way to keep your yard looking green year-round. This will allow you to have gorgeous fall color, while keeping your yard looking lush and beautiful throughout the year as well. Just remember to keep in mind that your landscape’s appearance in the spring may look totally different in the winter. Our nursery pros are always happy to help you select the right trees and plants to maintain year-round curb appeal.
Nobody wants to see a yard with dead branches and overgrown foliage. Regardless of the season, it’s always a good idea to clean up your yard. Your yard and the way it appears from the street can be a reflection of how you maintain your home.
AC systems, pool pumps, and trash cans are a few of the obvious and typical eyesores in our landscapes. Most yards naturally possess these unsightly objects and every homeowner wants to hide them. Fortunately, these eyesores are usually just a few feet off the ground. Planting hedge material, large shrubs, or small trees are a great way to block out these unwanted views, while augmenting the area in the process!
A well though-out and maintained home entry can really give off the wow factor. Consider edging the sidewalk or driveway with flowering shrubs, Unique agaves and cacti, or flowering annuals in garden beds and containers. These are easy to maintain and can be rearranged at any time. Many shrubs, agaves, and seasonal flowers thrive in containers, and are a great way to draw attention to your home.
Pulling weeds is without question the most loathed aspect of owning a home. We see thousands of landscapes with overgrown weeds causing the house to look unsightly, no matter how beautiful the home may be. In order to reduce the number of weeds or completely eliminate them, a pre-emergent should be applied at least twice a year. This is best done at the beginning of the spring and fall growing seasons.
Sometimes it’s best to keep it simple and even though you may love maintaining the lush vegetation on your landscape, the next homeowner might not like picking up leaves in the winter, or pruning shaped topiaries. Consider keeping your landscape neat and clean with low maintenance trees like the Japanese Blueberry, Japanese Privet, or Carolina Cherry, that keep their foliage all year long and require very little clean up.
Add some curb appeal to your property today. If you’re looking to sell your home, or just want to improve your yard’s appearance, trust the experts at Moon Valley Nurseries® to help you accomplish your landscaping goals. Find your local nursery location today!
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