The Many Possibilities of Landscape Styles

By Jessica Downs on November, 16 2018
Design Tips

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Which Landscape is Best for You?

moon valley nurseries, landscape design

Starting a landscape design is both very exciting and very scary at the same time. With a potential 28% increase in property value, it is one of the best home projects to jump on! Getting started might be the hardest part with so many things to decide such as which plants you might want, if you want a lawn, if you want to entertain, what style you want, and soooo many more!

When you’re planning on designing a new yard or redesigning an existing yard, there are many factors to consider and it can get overwhelming fast. Influencers can be anything from pet ownership, kids playing in the yard, wanting to entertain outside, creating a relaxing place for you to escape to, and how much time you must give to your yard. You want to know that your new yard is going to not only fit your existing lifestyle but the one you might have 5...10...even 15 years down the road.


Moon Valley Nurseries knows how time-consuming and stressful the design process can be when you tackle it on your own. We have always tried to help every step of the way from the moment you walk into our nursery to the moment we drive away from your freshly planted new yard! You can find our expert designers available at every nursery location for in-store and at-home consultations. From planning to free planting, we make sure we have everything covered for you!


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The Tropical landscape style is one of the most popular designs for yard renovations. This design is known for full, tropical plants that can take you away to another world – the more plants you have, the closer to paradise you are! You can fill your yard with palms like Mexican Fan, Piru Queen, Pindo, and Mediterranean Fan Palm to add breezy sounds into your yard that will make you think the beach is only blocks away. If are you also designing around, or near, a pool, it will only add to the tropical feel you create. While you might think a luscious green tropical yard would be a lot of work, think again. Palms are very strong and low-maintenance trees.


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While a Mediterranean styled landscape has similarities to a Classic style, such as neat rows and symmetry, that’s about where the likeness ends. The biggest difference is that the Mediterranean style creates a vision of an old European countryside in the hills and mountains of Greece or Italy. This style is great for a look that is simultaneously casual and sophisticated. To create some focal points in your yard, we recommend Mediterranean Fan Palm and Carolina Cherry trees. The latter also make amazing hedge material to create living borders and privacy. Roses will add a bit of color will help break up the texture when planted around your yard for colorful accents. Italian Cypress trees can be planted any place in your yard, no matter how tight it might be!



The traditional look of the Classic style is the most common type of design used nowadays. As mentioned above, it shares some similar features to a Mediterranean yard such as creating mirrored symmetry and having tons of green foliage spread out throughout the yard. However, a yard with a Classic style will have a more formal look than the others mentioned here. Trees we recommend to create a lush, green look are the Live Oak, Shumard Oak, and Monterrey Oak. Like all Oak trees, they can also be planted as a focal point for the entire yard itself. This type of look is usually filled with plants to emphasize the greenery, but a splash of color never hurts! Tecoma shrubs will add contrast to all the green foliage and can be used as a small shrub or large hedge, depending on the variety.


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This style of landscape design has a history that goes back to the 1960’s, when the focus was more on linear design, clean cuts, and an overall organized aesthetic in the design. While all that still applies, it has evolved into more of a minimal design compared to other design options. A great option for a focal point to break up the formal lines in this design is the Crape Myrtle tree, which offers a large pop of color to the surrounding landscape. Another great focal point contender is the Magnolia D.D. Blanchard tree, which also adds some color with their white flowers in the summer/fall months. The modern design is at its best when it can be aesthetically pleasing AND functional at the same time. The Carolina Cherry and Japanese Blueberry tree check both of those boxes with their ability to grow into a living privacy wall or low hedge that borders your property.

Moon Valley Nurseries is your one stop shop for all your landscape needs. Our experts have decades worth of experience and they will be able to assist you with any projects or questions you may have. Remember to change your watering schedule as we enter the winter and be sure to come by your nearest Moon Valley Nurseries locations and check out these trees! It’s not too late for #FreeFallPlanting.

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