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Monthly Landscape Tips and Tricks for June
By Jessica Downs on May 31, 2019

June is such a critical month when it comes to proper care of our landscapes. The weather is changing as we transition into summer and our yards might need a bit more TLC.

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Spring Tips

Best Trees to Plant Memorial Day Weekend
By Jessica Downs on May 24, 2019

Moon Valley Trees are ready for Planting! This Memorial Day Weekend come and see which trees are looking gorgeous that would be perfect for your yard. Not only is this the ideal time to...

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Landscape Tips

Get Outside with these 5 Late Spring Yard Projects
By Jessica Downs on May 17, 2019

Homeowners know that owning a home means that there is always something to do! Sometimes those projects are not fun, like replacing gutters or upgrading the washer and dryer, and sometimes...

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The Best Trees Exclusive to Moon Valley Nurseries
By Jessica Downs on May 10, 2019

Twenty-Five Years Creating the Moon Valley Difference! There are many reasons that make Moon Valley Nurseries so much different than other nurseries in the country. One of those big reasons...

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Hollywood Nursery Excited to Donate plants for St. Monica Church
By Jessica Downs on May 7, 2019

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Design Tips Summer Tips

5 Ways to Create the Perfect Backyard for Entertaining
By Jessica Downs on April 26, 2019

Every homeowner knows the importance of a healthy backyard. You take care of it, and it takes care of you. If you do not take care of it, weeds will grow and take over your yard! But...

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Tree Maintenance

Celebrating Arbor Day 2019
By Jessica Downs on April 26, 2019

Arbor Day is not just a day to think about trees and how amazing and important they are; it is about actually planting trees so that we can experience how amazing they are. And planting...

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Happy Earth Day!
By Jessica Downs on April 22, 2019

Moon Valley Nurseries has been growing trees for decades and we love knowing that we are making such a big difference in our communities because of all our trees from our farms to the...

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Spring Tips

Celebrate Earth Day and Transform your Yard with Moon Valley Superior Trees
By Jessica Downs on April 19, 2019

One of our favorite days to celebrate and remember is Earth Day (it is April 22nd, by the way so don’t forgot to celebrate in your own way). It is like the holiday was made for us!

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By Jessica Downs on April 12, 2019

As we continue to celebrate our 25thanniversary of growing the best trees and designing thousands upon thousands of landscapes, we have to focus on our very own farms.

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